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Thursday, November 04, 2010

You Know Who Was A Big Loser In This Election? George Soros

While Democrats went out of their way to portray the Koch brothers as evil billionaires puppeteering this election, I’d venture they feel pretty good about the outcome. However, after last night I’d venture that that George Soros is one unhappy Hungarian.

Where the Kochs stood accused of funding some well-known grassroots political groups, Soros has been heavily invested in some pretty shady attempts at electioneering for Democrats. And fortunately, these efforts aren’t going very well.

The first notable thing is Soros’ funding of the Secretary of State Project — which is basically an attempt to elect Secretaries of State around the country willing to impose Democratic-friendly election laws in an attempt to tilt the playing field in their favor on election day.

Well, yesterday Republicans won 17 of 26 races for Secretary of State taking six of those offices (Arkansas, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa and Kansas) from Democrats. Republicans now control 25 offices to Democrats 22.

More from the Washington Examiner


  1. beck is doing an "expose" on georgie very soon. looks interesting. we need to know more about this modern day crook. he hates america and it's capitalistic system. he hates freedom and what america stands for. he needs to be exposed for the ingrate he is. if more people know about this man; maybe he can't do as much damage to our way of life.

  2. That Hungarian needs to go drown in the ocean or something; he's one evil somebody and oh so anti-american. Obama, I believe, just loves him.


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