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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Wicomico States Attorney Official Press Release

Davis Ruark, State's Attorney for Wicomico County,  has appointed  Matt Maciarello to serve as Deputy State's Attorney. Mr. Maciarello will be sworn in as Deputy State's Attorney on Monday, November 8th at 8:30 AM in the Circuit Court for Wicomico County. Mr Ruark anticipates that The Honorable Judge Kathleen L. Beckstead will administer the oath of office.
The appointment of Mr. Maciarello will facilitate the full exchange of information regarding the internal operation of the office as well as confidential and sensitive information regarding pending cases as well as ongoing criminal investigations in Wicomico County. As a result of this appointment, Mr. Maciarello will have the opportunity to start and then expand his administrative, managerial and litigation roles within the office prior Mr. Ruark's departure as State's Attorney.
The purpose for this action is to assure the citizens, the judiciary. the law enforcement personnel and, of course, the State's Attorney's personnel  that there will be a most professional and extremely smooth transition as the office progresses into a new era. 
By Mr. Ruark:  "Matt Maciarello is a highly intelligent, dedicated, talented attorney.  It will be of great help to the current State's Attorney and State's Attorney's staff to have Matt on board. He will undertake many of the different roles that the State's Attorney must handle on a daily basis. Commencing the transition now will allow for a seamless change of the top administration of the Office of the State's Attorney on January 3,
2011. This will benefit all of the people to whom we are committed to serve."
Any further questions should be directed to either for Mr. Maciarello or Mr. Ruark.


  1. An action of Class

  2. I would say Mr Ruark did the right thing!

  3. Sweet. I hope this team work in the SA's office flows to our Law Enforcement agencies as well.

  4. could not agree with 3:19 any more!!! It makes me feel as though good things are to come.......

  5. Davis has shown that he's a class act and I wish him well in his future legal career. Joel Todd might take note of this and do the same thing when Beau Oglesby is certified as the winner of that race. I doubt he will, but it would make a huge difference on how Joel will do in the future.

    Craig Theobald

  6. Still hearing that Davis might go to a United States Attorney's Office. I wish him the very best whether it's here or elaewhere. He really is a good man.

  7. Kudos to both. Haven't seen such professionalism these two displayed from the outset in a very long time. God Blessed Wicomico County by making them available.


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