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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Are You Still Seeing Campaign Signs Up?

Tell Us Where.


  1. There are signs still up.
    Matt signs still on Schumaker & Mt. Hermon for instance. Politt & Conway signs all over too.

  2. saw a couple on rt 50 west bound, somewhere around whaleysville

  3. rt 50 east, just prior to the new royal farms. couple in lawns too.

  4. a huge Jim Mathias one on Dividing Creek road where the old store used to be

  5. There are still hundreds of signs up!
    Old Ocean City Rd - Parsonsburg and Salisbury as well.
    Many, many more too but I'll pay even closer attention when I am out and about later and will comment again.

  6. Large Erhlich sign at the 5 way intersection on Riverside and Camden

  7. out by fed ex on it looks like their property. mathias sign.

    mt. hermon road plenty.

    people in neighborhoods. still have them up. why?

  8. Rt 90
    Coastal Highway
    Rt 13 south bound comming into Princess Anne by the old Campground

  9. seth mitchell sign this morning across from west rd, across from booth st

  10. They are all over Ocean Pines but what do you expect from the Ocean Whiners!

  11. Pusey and James, I believe. Old Ocean City Road near Wicomico Day School.

  12. 4 way stop @ Jersey Rd & Naylor Mill Rd.

    In a field off Rt.50 Eastbound outside Hebron across from Hebron Woods.

  13. "Still up"??? I didn't think that any were taken down! Still a lot around the west side of Salisbury and Hebron area.

  14. Across from Mardela Middle/High School. Are the ones running for office responsible for taking them down or the homeowner whose yards these are in?

  15. Last I saw Gordy stores still had Mathais and Conway signs up. Of course we know from the Fire Dept he wants to you to listen what he says not what he does.

  16. It would be easier to tell you where they are not.

  17. All over Pemberton and down Nanticoke road.

  18. Politt sign- West 50 at the 13/50 bypass onramp just after Hobbs Road.
    Erhlich signs at East 50 and 113 in Berlin. too many more to mention...... Isn't there a law requiring their removal within so many days after an election? Just wondering..

  19. Funny you should ask... on the way to BWI monday, my wife asked " why are there still all thses signs up?" They are all around. Isn't the responsibility of the one's who put them up, take them down?

  20. Matt has a really big sign up on 50 westbound, right at the beginning of Salisbury.

  21. Along the bypass there are lots of signs still up.

  22. West Rd, Mt Hermon Rd, Rt 50 East and West bound, but to think of it they are still everywher acrossed the area.

  23. Having put big highway signs in previous elections I can tell you that it takes quite a bit of man power to put and take down signs...and it's done by volunteers. With daylight being at a premium now it will take a while for them all to come down. The VOLUNTEERS do it after work and on weekends.

    Be a little more patient.

  24. There are still Todd signs up all around Worcester County. A few others too, mostly Dems.

    Craig Theobald

  25. as the land owner I threw them away B.L./P.

  26. Small Mathias signs along Division Street in Fruitland near the school.

  27. In MY yard. I'm going to leave them there for a little while; it's my way of making a little statement. I'll take 'em down when I'm ready. NO TRESPASSING!


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