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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is The Fed's Debt-Buying Unconstitutional?

Is the Federal Reserve violating the U.S. Constitution’s separation of powers with its new purchases of $600 billion worth of U.S. Treasuries? Is the Fed engaging in an unconstitutional monetization of the U.S. Congress' out of control spending spree that is really a bridge loan to fiscal insanity?

At minimum, should the Fed be avoiding these purchases until the fiscally debauched U.S. Congress, packed to the ceiling with fiscal dipsomaniacs, follows Great Britain’s lead in its fiscal abstinence that may "out Thatcher" even Margaret Thatcher, as a top Dallas Fed official says?

Isn’t the problem fiscal incontinence and regulatory misfeasance, and business uncertainty about all of that, which is creating joblessness? Not a lack of liquidity and not deflation, which is not a clear and present danger, as instead inflation is still with us?

And isn’t the Fed dangerously habituating the stock, bond and commodities markets to a “new normal” of constant quantitative easing?

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Yes it is unconstitutional. 1st year law student would know it.

  2. No, the Supreme Court has ruled on this several times.

  3. Our entire Federal Government and all of the Statutory Laws are unConstitutional.

    Believe it or not.

    Thanks to Public Education and the Rockefeller Foundation, not many Americans even understand the Constitution


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