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Thursday, November 04, 2010


Dear Friends and Supporters,

The Wargotz family offers our sincere thanks for all of your help, support, and best wishes. It has been a fantastic 18 months of visiting across the State and we are richer individuals because of your fellowship.

Although our campaign was not victorious, "we the people" prevailed with the restoration of an all important "check and balance" through the change in the majority party of the House of Representatives. May God Bless you and keep you, may God Bless Maryland, and may God Bless America.



  1. I don't really know Eric but I did meet him a few times in his 18mths across the state and I really did like him...Wish you all the best Mr. Eric...you ran a great campaign and I hope you don't give up!!!

  2. I guess Mikulski will have to be pried out of her Senate seat when she is cold and dead. She needs to retire. She is so out of touch with most Marylanders that it isn't even funny. At least Wargotz gave her a run for her money. Maybe she will start listening instead of towing the party line.

  3. I hope Eric is considering a run against Cardin in 2012. We need to work on supporting to do this now.


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