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Thursday, November 04, 2010

City Of Fruitland Out Of Control

I just did the research on the City of Fruitland charging businesses at least $50.00 per sign, per year in the City Limits and they're completely out of line. Leave it to the Mitchell Family of Lawyers to support legislation that is, well, illegal.

I challenge Mr. Mitchell to show Salisbury News where there is ANY law in the State of Maryland that supports ANY, (not just Fruitland) such charges allowed for signs. THERE IS NONE!

There would have to be "state enabled legislation" and there's NOT. This is why Gary Comegys and the MML are trying to create legislation/law that would allow the state to tax anything and everything that they want and that wet pants liberal needs to get shut down immediately.

SBYNews has been providing information about Comegys games for weeks now and quite frankly many of you have been ignoring just how dangerous this crap can and will be on business owners throughout the state.

Nevertheless, Fruitland CANNOT bill business owners for signs and again we challenge Mr. Mitchell to provide the legislation in which he is allowing the City to send out such billing. It looks to be illegal.


  1. Good Luck with that Joe. He is one nasty SOB!

  2. I want to see if they can enforce this on Walmart and other large chains. Hah! It will never happen! A good thing.

  3. Lawyers , lawyers , lawyers, what would we do without them?
    Let me think a little , Oh I know , we would have criminals in jail , we would have our streets back and most of all , we would have congress representing the people. I hate em all!!

  4. Since when has illegality stopped any government from doing whatever they wanted?

  5. Andy Mitchell has been creating work for himself for years in Fruitland. Most of the work he has done has been started by him - not at the request of council. Maybe he should understand who he works for and not the other way around. If not for his relation to Rick Pollitt, he would have been fired long ago. Its time for the new council to change some things in this town that are long overdue. Do the right thing not the nice thing.

  6. You go, Joe!
    Been telling you for months that Andy Mitchell is a BIG problem in Fruitland.
    Why not publish what they've paid him over the past year or so (oops-- they would probably require a FOIA request-- and I'm sure he'd stonewall that for months).
    You've just hit the tip of the iceberg here, dude.
    You'll be busy for months covering the "Greg and Andy" show.
    Those two were really busy.

  7. WAKE UP JOE, the City of Salisbury does the same thing at a higher rate.

  8. Also your a complete idiot becasue this would be a business expense and can be written off...

  9. My goodness , these people have lost their minds. I hope they don't tax my bible.

  10. I believe, if you call someone at planning & Zoning in the City of Easton, Md they can tell you how they regulate the signs at businesses there. I know they only allow a certain square footage according to how much road frontage a business has. I don't remember how much the permit fees were nor do I know if there is a yearly fee. However I can see no reason why it would be unlawful for any municipality to enact such fees as long as they use proper legislative process. If you REALLY want to investigate an unfair tax go for this one: There are 4 municipalities in MD who charge an inventory tax (Salisbury is one of them. All of the car dealers on Auto Row between the by-pass and Priscilla St. are exempt, because the city limits JUMP over them and starts again at the mall which takes in Courtesy Chev. This puts them at a substantial cost per vehicle disadvantage.
    If Fruitland would like to pursue another income producing, less controversial avenue which DOES have precedence in Maryland, I'd suggest they proceed in that direction.

  11. 2:49-You are the idiot if you think writing something off as a business expense means it doesn't cost you anything. It only means that it is paid (with money your business earned) BEFORE the government steals their cut of what is left. You still have to work more or sell something extra to pay for it.

  12. hey 2:49
    Did you go to school , what does write off do for anyone?
    It cost you money you idiot!

  13. I guess he really thinks Fruitland is full of fruits.

  14. All of the business owners here should be outraged over this...its stupid...this fee they want to start charging is way more than a business expense that can written off...who would want to keep their business here when you have to pay to put a sign up?????

  15. 2:49 thanks but no thanks write offs don't pay the bills

  16. Plenty of towns charge a fee per sign. These towns charge the fee one time, not annually.

  17. Fruitland already charges an inventory tax on what they call " business personal property"; this sign thing is just another way to get more money out of businessmen. Why don't they fix up the boarded up houses on Dulaney Ave, and get some property tax out of those eyesores ??

  18. Andy Mitchell : How much does he get paid to be Fruitland's lawyer I bet its more than he'd want the taxpayers to know.

  19. @anon 2:49 Before calling someone an idiot check your grammar.

  20. 2:00pm
    Is Andy Mitchell related to Rick Pollitt?

  21. Mitchell is Pollitt's cousin, I think. That explains everything.

  22. you know crime does pay these days steal from wall mart or work in goverment, you can get away with just about anything

  23. I wish someone would file a lawsuit against Mitchell, Town of Fruitland, and any other scoundrel for violating the 'Pursuit of Happiness Clause'.

    I hope they sue the pants off of them personally, municipal, and any other way they can shanghai these officials. What a pitiful situation and blemish for Wicomico County.

  24. I knew my 1st coment would not make it my 2Nd comment did ( wall mart). i wish you would have put it up

  25. You know the rules, no cursing or *&%@

  26. i have seen $--- up plenty of times but i understand this is your show. I am sick of our goverment these days! Gary B


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