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Friday, November 05, 2010

Survey Question

Will Nancy Pelosi Get Elected?


  1. Let the democrats prove just how stupid they truly are by doing so. It will prove to the world democrats never intend to listen to the people. They just want to control America.

  2. She says she wants to protect her accomplishments and move on with even more of the same. This caused the Democrats to get a good solid whooping on Tuesday. Hopefully those left give her the same. Steny Hoyer is almost as bad but a better alternative.

  3. Yes, they don't call them dumb-ocrats for nothing!

  4. The Republicans are all for it. They said she is the best job- getter for Republican lawmakers!

  5. I hope so then BO will be gone in 2 years and the Republicans will control all houses of congress!

  6. She is a total DINGBAT!!!

  7. Of course she will. Did not boxer, reid & frank get re-elected. did not brown become gov. of calipornia?


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