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Friday, November 05, 2010

Dead, Dying Coral Found Near BP Spill Called 'Smoking Gun'

'We have never seen anything like this,' chief researcher says

Scientists returning from an expedition off the Gulf Coast said Friday they found dead and dying deepwater coral near the BP oil spill site that was covered in a brown substance.

"The compelling evidence that we collected constitutes a smoking gun" that the substance is tied to the BP spill, the chief researcher on the cruise, Penn State biologist Charles Fisher, said in a statement Friday.

"We have never seen anything like this," he added. "The visual data for recent and ongoing death are crystal clear and consistent over at least 30 colonies; the site is close to the Deepwater Horizon; the research site is at the right depth and direction to have been impacted by a deep-water plume, based on NOAA models and empirical data; and the impact was detected only a few months after the spill was contained."

"These kinds of coral are normally beautiful, brightly colored," Fisher said. "What you saw was a field of brown corals with exposed skeleton — white, brittle stars tightly wound around the skeleton, not waving their arms like they usually do."

GO HERE to read more.


  1. I'm pretty sure all those millions of gallons of crude "evaporated" didn't it? At least thats what I remember Obama saying just a couple of months ago....And since we all know oil "evaporates" now, I don't even wash my clothes after working on my car --- I just leave them outside for a day or so and they are JUST LIKE NEW. If any oil gets on my hands, I just wave them around a minute or two and all that nasty, greasy oil just "evaporates' and I'm ready to fix dinner! Better than Oxyclean!! Thanks, Obama!!

  2. A lot more of that will be found, along with dead mollusks & crustaceans. Lobster, crab, oysters & clams. You know, the cheaper seafood we harvest.

  3. Here's a video with proof that there is a HUGE dead zone from the surface to at least 35 feet down.


    Very sad...


  4. actually Imclaim it was your dummy friend Rush that said it would all evaporate away. What gov. scientists have said this whole time was that major fractions of raw crude would evaporate but the fate of the heavier crude is unknown.

  5. 11:37-Gov't paid scientists claimed 75% of all the oil was either collected or evaporated. A patent lie. That's what happens when Obama recieves more political donations from BP then any other US politician in the past 20 years.

  6. 11:37...who are you referring to? I don't have any friends named "Rush"....lol...and oil doesn't evaporate, BUT I'm pretty sure Obama DID say that most of the oil has "disappeared" and I'm pretty sure he was saying that in light of the "government scientists" who said "evaporation" was the trick. And we are now going to go with what "government scientists" say?? Who pays THEM? And how long would they be getting paid if they said the oil is going to be there for decades (RE: Exxon Valdez) and will (contrary to what Obama would have us believe) negatively impact the entire region and its economy. Like ALL politicians, your boy, Obama, is an idiot. He is just a bigger one than most and is followed and admired by a legion of the same.


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