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Friday, November 05, 2010

Md.'s Highest Court To Hear Racial Profiling Case

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - Maryland's highest court is scheduled to hold a hearing on whether to uphold a lower court's ruling to force police to turn over documents relating to racial profiling allegations.

The Maryland Court of Appeals will hold the hearing in Annapolis on Friday.

In February, the state's intermediate court ordered the Maryland State Police department to turn over about 10,000 documents relating to the long-running legal battle known as the "Driving While Black" case.

The NAACP wants to inspect the documents to determine whether state police are properly investigating allegations of racial profiling by troopers. State police argue the documents are confidential personnel records.



  1. NAACP needs to be disbanded anyways. They are worthless and they are what keeps racism alive. (In their minds). Can't get much higher in this country than a black president. I am not a racist, but I hate when African Americans can say whites are racists, but who is protecting the whites from racists African-Americans? Sorry Joe, just an issue that gets be bothered.

  2. I agree with 8:41 AM wholeheartedly. I am sick and tire of blacks constantly using the race card and even more sick of "racial profiling." Let the cops do their jobs.

    Vote Republican!

  3. The NAACP continues this battle because police traffic stats are not coming out in their favor so they believe the police are a bunch of liars and cheats. Ever since the traffic stop data collection stuff started it has shown nothing to support "Driving While Black". Like the first comment said, they are just trying to keep racism alive.

  4. 9:17 then it seems the police have nothing to hide. Drop off a few boxes of documents and get back to work.

  5. The NAACP has been identified as a racist hate group and no longer has any credibility.

  6. looks like some MSP pensions are going to be on the chopping block.again,the question here is who works for who....dont let socialism run amuck.lets see some accountablity.we ARE payin you know...

  7. well, they cant help the black part. so stop driving.
    if blacks have been causing 85% of the crimes (and are 85% of prison populations), they why shouldnt we profile?

  8. 10:21
    I think you just answered your own question.

    It is always the least in a society who are targetted with statutory laws.

  9. The laws are the problem not the people. If people continue over and over and over to violate certain laws then the public has spoken. We do not believe in the statues. We want government to work for us, not enslave us with draconian laws.

    During Prohibition, people continued to drink. The illegal and draconian laws were kept in place only long enough for certain families like the Kennedy Family to gain a monopoly over alcohol.

    War on drugs is a war on people. Why would we allow our government to tell us what we can eat, drink or smoke? We own our bodies - don't we?

    The statutes against consumption of certain plants in nature is the method used to increase the value of the products. We actually took over Afghanistan and began to "guard the poppie fields" so drug war lords couldn't get the poppies. Why? Ask yourself why?

    We siezed their crop. A crop that is in extremely high demand. You don't have to ingest the crop. But why would you prevent others from ingesting the crop? Why do you care?

    Most of the crime associated with drugs has to do with trying to get the funds needed to pay the exhorbitant prices. The prices are artificially high. The drugs are everywhere. There is plenty to go around. There is never a shortage. So why the high price?

    Ask anyone who uses drugs and you will learn the truth. The products are pentiful. So why the high price? If the price were not so high, the crimes associated with its purchase would go away.

    Nobody needs to steal to buy weed. Most people are stealing to buy the other 2 products - which don't grow here. Access to those products is controlled by our military and CIA. The price is the problem.

  10. The information was/has been provided on the nature/race of traffic stops. It is my understanding that this data was collected and maintained by a third party outside of law enforcment. This data clearly showed that it should be the white man that should be complaining.

  11. It is common knowledge in the black community that the police will kill you and do it quickly. The NAACP wants to make sure the "state police are properly investigating allegations of racial profiling by troopers"? Don't waste your time. The police are investigating themselves? LOL! Why are the police the only organization allowed to investigate THEMSELVES??? I'll give you two guesses on how THAT "investigation" is going to turn out....How many DOZENS, if not hundreds, of cases involving police brutality have occurred where the police investigate and find "no fault on the part of our officers" and then a citizens film turns up showing a citizen getting clubbed and beaten by 3-4 cops while in handcuffs and face down on the pavement, with a knee in his neck? Get back to me on the "investigation".....lol!

  12. Well let me educate you as to the problem with targeting any race or religion in this country. There was aman that decided a certian class of people were inferior to whites. The name was Adolph Hilter.

    So we do not twist this issue to far out of hand I am all for enforcement of the laes of the land. There is concrete proof that a selected group of officers stop well over a 95% of Lataino and African Americans. It is the officer out there doing the right thing that hides the officers who in fact racial profiling.

    I have "No Issue" with stopping and running a dog, getting permission to search any car you stop. The problem is a certain segment of officers are lazy and look to the low road for stats. So if you stop 100 African Americans and only four have dope I would say you would get the same or higher numbers if you stopped 100 whites and searched. We will never know this answer because it is not done.

    If you are African American or any American you have the absolute right to travel the highways without aprehension. It is a Federal Offense to stop just because one may look like a profile you have developed or been taught is a profile.

    I hate drugs on our streets and communities. I hate communism more. I have racist and bigots more. We become the evil we seek when the laws of the land only apply to those any one officer deams a threat because of his or her racist sterotypes.

    Russian organized crime traffics in millions of dollars of u.s. currency weekly. i do not read of any siezures involving them. The same goes for italian and irish organized crime. They all steal from the U.S. Revenue Ssytem. Untaxed corrupt dollars are going by the truck load because we in law enforcement refuse to look beyond sterotypical issues.

    Do the job the right way and no one has a thing to say. Work hard and fight the war all all fronts it gives no one a reason to point the finger.

    Russians also traffic in large cashes of firearms that go back to support terrorism. Yet our bias allows this to happen.

    The bottom line if you have nothing to hide from the American people then you are doing your job. If you leave race off of your stop or never call it out you are a criminal. An honest cop does not leave the boxes unchecked. An honest cop never stops a car without calling it out. Not calling out a stop is dangerous and a direct violation of any departments policy.

    One God people we will all be judged by our actions here on earth.

    With that said be safe keep up the war it is a jungle out there.

  13. Racial profiling isn't real, but you believe a foreigner can come to the US, fake his way through an Ivy League education, get elected to office, and reach the highest position in the country all while concealing his true religious beliefs? You guys are hilarious.

  14. Why is it only MSP that gets picked on by the NAACP? MSP gets picked on alot Ive noticed...


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