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Friday, November 05, 2010

Election Produces Little Change In State Legislature Compared To Rest Of Nation

Tuesday’s election did not alter the Maryland General Assembly in a major way, though Republicans did pick up six seats in the House of Delegates and they lost two in the Senate.

House Speaker Michael Busch and Senate President Mike Miller, the Democratic presiding officers, said they expected little change in their chambers or their leadership teams, including committee chairs.

Both Busch and Miller also expected to see no tax increases next year to balance the budget with a projected deficit – a position affirmed this week by Gov. Martin O’Malley after his re-election.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. This state is so blue that it drives me nuts! Why do I stay here? I really don't know.

  2. Can you say federal employies union in the Baltamore/DC area? They out nuber the rest of us in just that little group of counties.

  3. Shows how backward and unthinking MD voters really are.

  4. this is the "socialist republic of maryland".


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