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Friday, September 17, 2010

This In From A Reader

"Webster standing on the corner in Princess Anne at 7am. Useless."


  1. By himself? No supporters? Or were they on other corners?

  2. What a loser in so many ways.

  3. Looks like a "one man show". He should just turn around, throw that sign down and march straight over to Hardie's and get an application. It would be considerably more benificial than that sign. Of course, the other Hardie workers may already know about his do-nothing-at-work policy and will schedule his vacations when he's most needed. They'll probably boycott him for sure. OK now, how about that bank? Does he still have his gun?

  4. At least he's not in Salisbury anymore--count your blessings !

  5. Webster has reportedly said he plans to "get rid of all of Bobby's people" immediately if he's elected.
    I haven't been the biggest Bobby Jones fan, but he's WAY better than this id!ot.
    Just ask ANYBODY who had to work for Webster in Salisbury.

  6. This isn't the first place I have seen him. He is has been everywhere by himself standing on the corner. He is a poor politician. He couldn't even speak to people at a crab feast. Never seen nothing like it....

  7. Maybe his partner in crime Barrie Tilghman can go help him since they are two peas in a pod.

  8. HaHaHa!!

    He looks like one of the panhandling homeless bums in Salisbury begging for lunch money to buy booze!

  9. The reason he would get rid of all the Jones' people is to cover up the fact they would resign in the first place. I know first hand that Bobby's men love him. Bobby is a good person and his people know it.

  10. Wait there is some important information here. What is the special at Hardee's today?

  11. He is sad and pathetic.

  12. I've seen him a few times in the morning when I head to work. He seems to get a lot of positve feedback. Jones is a joke. I guarantee Webster will win.

  13. Let's see now, who to vote for, who to vote for? Will it be I-wanna-job-but-do-nothin-for-it-Allen Webster? or please-don't-back-over-me-again-Bobby Jones? I can see this is gonna be a real brain strain for me, a real tuffy indeed! OK, I've decided, I'll just be sure to stay away from the back side of Bobby's police car.

  14. I thought he was supposed to be hurt.

  15. Its funny that ppl like this seem to come here and thrive for some reason. Any other area and this clown would have been ran off all together with his tail between his legs. But here, on the good ol shore, we elect the lesser of 2 incompetent idiots and then wonder why nothing gets done here. Lazy incompetents move here for a reason, they thrive in that environment because the general public isnt much better.

  16. Water balloon!!!!! Just saying....

  17. I just hope he hasnt made enough friends over the bar at the local clubs and organizations to actually win.What does this man have to offer our county?Does he really think he could get away with firing all of Bobbys people?And last but not least,doesnt he understand that Democrats run Somerset?

  18. It's the devil you know or the devil that Salisbury knew. I agree with 11:51. Jones' reported misdeed pale in comparison to the reports of Webster's willingness to use his position to launch vendetta's. Does Somerset County want the same grip of fear that haunted Salisbury during the Barrie Tilghman Alan Webster years? How many officers did SPD lose during Webster's years as "leader"?

  19. Bobby is 70 and been there long enough. I would like to see anyone who has been in office two terms voted out. In my opinion political jobs should not be career jobs because that can lead to corruption. Except for Obama and he was corrupt before his slick ways got him elected President.

    When you pull the lever you can only hope and pray that the candidate of your choice will keep his word.

  20. Come on peeps. One quick swerve to the right will end most all of Somerset counties potential problems.

  21. I wondered who that was , I couldn't see him for the sun glare from his shiney head. He almost caused an accident by blinding me while driving.

  22. I just trew up in my mouth.

  23. Webster claims he's going to bring 24/7 coverage to the county.
    Bobby Jones has been trying to do that for years, and the County Commissioners said NO.
    They only needed about $179,000 to do it-- the Commissioners had almost $2 million in the Rainy Day Fund, but WOULDN'T GIVE HIM THE $$ !!
    Don't blame Bobby for it-- and don't think Captain ChromeDome is gonna just waltz in and get it done, either.

  24. There's also Clarence Bell running as an independent.

  25. State cops do it all anyway in Somerset.

  26. Time for an overwhelming write in campaign!

  27. 7:33 he has a history too......

  28. Just what we need more Trash In Princess Anne! Vote Jones!!!!


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