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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Government Wants Us To Believe The Recession Is Over

Did you happen to look up in the sky this morning and notice the sky is actually green.

Did you also notice that on your drive into work this morning ALL of the traffic lights were green.

Today, everyone will receive a letter in the mail telling you that your balances on your credit cards have been wiped out.

A new bill is being introduced today, anyone with an interest rate above 3% will have their rates reduced down to 3% with 30 days.

If you believe what I'm telling you, you're a democrat. However, the reality in the REAL WORLD is, don't buy an ounce of it and don't listen to the MSM trying to convince Americans the recession is over.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Our government will take everything you have until your broke. Then they'll make you borrow. Then they'll make you so dependent on the government that you'll actually learn to appreciate what they're doing for you. Then they'll tell you the recession is over, start spending again, NOT!

Yesterday they announced the recession is over. Yeah, BITE ME! Are your interest rates up to 8% on your savings account? Did you make a killing on the Stock Market recently? Do you buy a new car every two years? Can you afford to put a new addition on your home?

More people are scrambling for their "Change" and wondering if they'll still have their job next month. The For Rent and For Sale signs are everywhere you look. Trying to get a loan for anything is just about impossible.

I have a friend in Salisbury who is thinking of selling their commercial building. They thought, $325,000.00 would be a fair market price for a 4 story building. NOPE! The Real Estate Professionals are telling them, NO WAY! They'd prefer to see the building completely full of tenants first, then they might talk about increasing the sale price.

If you believe the recession is over and our government isn't trying to get every last penny out of you, even if it's borrowed money, you're an Idiot, or a democrat.

When local companies start telling you many of their items are now on back order, then you'll know things have changed. When a loaf of bread drops down to $ .59 cents, we're back. When gasoline drops back to $ .95 cents a gallon, (where it belongs) we're back.

In the mean time, start asking candidates if they actually believe the recession is over. Only vote for those candidates who say, ABSOLUTELY NOT!


  1. Government propaganda.

  2. To quote the great Archie Bunker- "Commie propoganda, plain and simple".

  3. No, it's the media/democrats trying to buy the election for the Democratic party. Next you will here the Obama/Pelosi train bragging on how they have ended the recession. I just hope people aren't dumb enough to believe it.

  4. You guys are so full of it. The same group that made the announcement was the same resonsible for making the initial "are we in recession or not" call during Bush. Bet you guys weren't screaming "propaganda" and "commie" crap then.


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