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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fruitland City Council Candidate Forum

There are 3 open seats on the Fruitland City Council and 7 people are running for them. At last nights forum 5 of the 7 attended to talk about their platforms. Around 40 residents came out to hear them speak. The 5 that attended are as follows Charles Carroll, Darlene Kerr, Carey Nelson, Chuck Nichols, Richard "Lee" Outten.

The first question asked of all the candidates "What are the largest issues facing Fruitland". To my surprise everyone's first concern was the high cost of water and sewer in the city. They all agree that Fruitland charges a higher rate then any other city. They want more sports programs for the youth. Other concerns across the board were low income housing and boarded up Hub Homes. The condition of these properties reflexes poorly on their town as a whole.

The second question asked was " Where do you see "Fruitland in Five Years"? This is where things got interesting.

Lee Outten said " He believes the economy will rebound however the city needs to lower the cost of water/sewer services. Fruitland needs to bring more businesses to the area, The City of Salisbury is not welcoming to new businesses.

Carey Nelson said- He does not want any more growth for Fruitland. The condition of the rental properties falls on the Code and Compliance Dept. If they are not doing their job the need to be fired.

Chuck Nichols said- He wants all the empty lots filled with new homes and businesses.

Darlene Kerr said- We need to hold the small town charm of Fruitland. Bring back our Main Street with the right type of businesses. Have low taxes and lower the water/sewer bills for the residents. Look to the future you can not live in the now.

Charles Carroll said- I agree with Lee and Chuck. We need growth for the area.

They all had a couple minutes for closing statements and while some went over I was shocked that a couple and nothing to offer.

On a side note I was disappointed to only see 2 Wicomico candidates at the forum. Bob Culver and Matt Maciarello were there, shaking hands and answering questions. These 2 gentlemen are very passionate about the seats they are running for. And yes Matt is still wearing the shoe with the hole in it.


  1. I am very impressed with both Matt & Bob and I really think either of the two would definitely benefit our community. I tend to favor Bob as I have known him more on a personnal level for several years. I feel that he would be the most beneficial with the eager attitude towards change and the determination and drive to succeed. Matt is a wonderful person and he has impressed me very much, but I really believe Bob would be the better choice.

  2. Kerry Nelson really showed what he is all about-- "It's the kids." (Read: Fruitland Falcon Football)
    He didn't really have anything to say except 'me, too' when asked questions of substance.
    He has a significant conflict of interests-- he is the head of Fruitland Footbal (a non-profit), which negotiates contracts with the city for the park space to play their games.
    He is already the chairman of the Recreation Commission (another clear conflict), and is stacking the Rec Comm with his own people.
    The park was never really planned with football facilities, but now there's a dedicated field with sprinklers, bright lights, an 'announcer's booth' with a loud PA system and a concession building.
    His WIFE runs the concessions and they insist on complete control of them. They have refused permission to others to use the concession areas, even though they were paid for with Program Open Space funds and must be made available to whoever wants to use them.
    Apparently the vehicles at the football games are driving all over the new walking trail in the park and may damage it.
    I want to be clear-- I am all for the football program-- I think it's great. But I am against the head of the program hustling himself into positions where he can use his influence to benefit his own non-profit program, which is exactly what he appears to be doing. He would immediately raise the point that he raised a lot of donations to pay for the upgrades-- fine and good, but there is significant cost to maintain and insure them, borne by the taxpayers. And his fundraising role creates an implied obligation on the part of the city, no?

    The Ethics Commission must have been asleep when they vetted these candidates.
    Besides Kerry Nelson's glaring conflicts, Darlene Kerr has two sons on the police force (which is itself questionable), and now wants to be a member of the council that the police answer to.
    Simply agreeing to abstain from votes on police matters would not be a good option. Imagine the police supervisors needing to discipline an officer whose mother is a council member. They should not be put in such a position. IMO she shows a lack of good judgement in running under these circumstances.

    There are some good people running this year, but I think it would be best to leave those with conflicts on the sidelines. Fruitland has suffered enough from council members with 'agendas'-- what's needed now are people with a heart to serve their fellow citizens and do what's best for them.

  3. 1:12 - well said, particularly the last paragraph. Lee Outen will definitely get my vote. Where were Cowell and Jimmerson? Are they running?

  4. 1:12...i could not agree with you more! very well said!

  5. 1:12, YOU obviously have an agenda of your own. Kerry Nelson is the best candidate for the people of Fruitland. His dedication to the town and citizens is unsurpassed by any other candidate. If you knew Kerry you would know he has a common sense approach to problem solving and issues. I don't know who you are but I do know that you don't know what you're talking about.

  6. Bob Culver is the best man for the job !!

  7. The city of Fruitland has paid zero for the construction of any if the Fruitland Falcon facilities. That's right zero. The city also pays zero to maintain the Fruitland Falcon facilities and zero for insurance. The concessions located at the softball and recreation complex are made available to anyone who asks and takes responsiblility for them including stocking product, working the events and cleaning the facility. Note, prior to Kerry, no one wanted to do this and the concessions and restrooms were always closed and locked for events. The new multi use building (press box, restrooms, concession) located at the Falcon field are built and paid for by the Fruitland Falcon organization. So get your facts straight before you shoot you mouth off.

  8. Thank you for your input, 2:24 (or rather.. Kerry)
    My agenda is simple-- put an end to the backroom
    dealing and people who do it.
    Fruitland is an absolute mess because of council members micromanaging, the treasurer not doing her job, the president and city attorney quietly running everything from the back room, and a handful of 'ambitious' people playing games.
    There are many older lifelong residents of the town who can no longer afford to live there, and the council has refused to do what is necessary to fix that (and you can be sure it CAN be fixed with a council and city manager who have the spine and integrity to clean up the mess, rather than try to cover it up and shuffle numbers between accounts).
    That's my agenda, dude. No more foolishness.

  9. You know who was really a shining star was Lee Outen.
    He's really done his homework, and with his background and experience with getting grants (did you know Fruitland's schools may be eligble for 100% grants for sidewalks? Lee did!) he will be excellent-- in fact, I think he'd be a good president for the council.
    His work with county roads is invaluable-- he can tell you in great detail what it means to have grass growing out of the cracks in Main Street.
    Lee is the man.

  10. Oh, thanks for reminding me, 4:11- Kerry is a bit of a hothead, too.
    So they're the Fruitland Falcon Facilities now.. not the Fruitland park.
    Look-- I gave credit where it was due- the facilities were built with donations.
    But they belong to the CITY. They're on CITY property.
    And do you mean to tell me that the Fruitland Falcons pay for the water bill for the sprinklers, etc? Who cuts the grass?
    You'll get no argument from me about the value of the football program, but there have been many changes to the park that were not planned nor welcomed by the neighbors. They were done because a football coach-- who is used to finding ways around opposition to get to the goal-- made them happen.
    Well, touchdown, coach.
    Score: Falcons 7 Neighborhood 0.

  11. 2:24 Go back to work, Kerry. And by the way, when did you move back to house in Fruitland? Seems not that long ago a relative of yours said you were living in a barn on McGrath Road.

  12. Since Jimmerson didn't show up for last night's forum because of a prior commitment, does anyone know him well enough to comment?

  13. I think Kerry Nelson's football program is great, and much needed.
    But as long as he is doing that, I don't think he should have any kind of official capacity with the city at all. It is a conflict of interest.
    He should resign the recreation commission position, and he shouldn't be running for council.

  14. I was amazed that less than 40 people showed up for something this important-with 3 of 5 seats up for grabs there will be a new Council and hopefully one that preserves the small town feel of Fruitland. Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for hosting this event. (Where were the other two candidates ?) By the way 3:02 PM, Bob Culver is running for County Council, NOT Fruitland City Council.

  15. Overall, a disappointing group of candidates. Where are the real movers and shakers of Fruitland ?

  16. 8:11, you must not have been there to say that it was a disapointing group of candidates. We have the best group of candidates we have had in years. FACT. What makes you say that, or are you just trying to rant.

  17. 8:11, you are nuts. You definitely were not at the forum. You are disapointing.

  18. The reason for the turnout and lack of good candidates (though there are a few good ones) is the fact that Fruitland is now 50%+ RENTALS.
    And growing.
    Renters generally don't care and won't show up or vote.
    Somebody better get a grip on this rental thing, or the town will be nothing more than an extended SU housing unit. (It's no much more than that now..)
    The taxes and fees are driving the longtime residents out, and their homes are becoming... rentals.

  19. 11:54, do you know at all what you are talking about? Bob Culver is running for County Council, and Mat Maciarello is running for States Attorney. They aren't opposing each other and aren't running for Fruitland anything. They were there out of interest. Some of you people are just clueless people that have no idea. I bet you voted for Obama.

  20. If you have a problem with Kerry Nelson please use your name and do not hide behind the Anonymous tag so he can at least answer your concerns. That is the only way anything will ever get closure. Anyone can type and hide and make up things that mean nothing! Please sign your name so Kerry can address it if not keep hiding! Yours Truly Lynnette Nelson

  21. Mrs. Nelson, your husband claims he doesn't read the blogs so how can he answer anything? He said something last night that disturbed me. If he's elected anyone can go up to him to ask a question, if he knows it he'll talk about it. If doesn't he'll tell you how he feels. He doesn't care one way or another about how anyone feels about what he has to say. Look how he treats his elderly neighbor. Besides being a bully to a 100 yr old woman he is also a quiter. He won't get my vote. It has nothing to do with "his" football program. It has everything to do with how he conducted himself last night. I've ever had a chance to listen to him before so last night was an eye opener.


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