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Friday, September 24, 2010


New Web Ad Highlights Ehrlich's Baffling Pledge Not to Discuss Details Until Nov 3

Baltimore, MD (September 24, 2010) -- Today the O'Malley-Brown campaign released a new web ad taking aim at Bob Ehrlich's baffling pledge not to discuss the details of his plans for Maryland until November 3rd, the day after the general election.

In the ad, Ehrlich says, "The more detailed proposals have to wait for later in the campaign, and, quite frankly, for November 3rd." Ehrlich made the comments on September 15th, following the release of his so-called "Roadmap for 2020." Independent media outlets, including the Baltimore Sun and WBAL-TV, have pointed out that Ehrlich has not offered a way to pay for his new spending proposals, including a $648 million rollback of the sales tax, a $60 million increase in highway funding, and $100 million in promises to veterans and state employees.

"Bob Ehrlich has proposed a billion dollars in new spending this election season. When asked how he'd pay for it all, Ehrlich says 'vote for me and I'll tell you later.' The last time Bob Ehrlich made a lot of empty promises, he went on a record-setting spending spree and left the state $1.7 billion in the red. The voters of Maryland deserve better than more empty promises from Bob Ehrlich," said Tom Russell, O'Malley-Brown Campaign Manager.

The O'Malley-Brown campaign has accepted a number of debate invitations in a effort to make sure that Bob Ehrlich is forced to discuss his agenda for Maryland with voters.

Yesterday, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown asked Mary Kane to participate in one-on-one debates.


  1. enough promises from ALL politicians. words are cheap.

    reduce taxes dramatically across the board; eliminate most regulations; cut spending deep.

    our economy will grow; grow; grow...

  2. unfortunately, o'malley DOES have a point on that...

  3. 1:02 Eliminating regulations got us into this mess. The greedy went wild when the rules were relaxed.

  4. This is the whack crap that really makes me mad (as a voter and citizen)..."I'll tell you my plans AFTER you elect me"??? WHAT??? It's the same old "the voters are so STUPID, we can say anything to them and they won't even recognize the idiocy of whatever we say"...can you imagine a car loan where the bank says "we'll tell you the terms of your note AFTER you sign the blank contract"? I'm beginning to see why he isn't the CURRENT governor...

  5. can't believe he said anything of the kind!
    Youse'll believe anything you see, read or hear!


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