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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Maryland’s August Job Loss Is Highest In The Nation, New Jobs Report Shows

ANNAPOLIS – The rise in Maryland’s unemployment rate last month was tied for the nation’s highest, according to a new report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nearly 7,000 Marylanders lost their jobs, bringing the total number of unemployed citizens to roughly 216,000. The State’s unemployment rate increased to 7.3 percent from 7.1 percent. Bob Ehrlich, candidate for Governor, released the following statement today:

“The troubling news in today’s job report reaffirms that the O’Malley Administration simply doesn’t understand how to create jobs for Maryland families. My opponent has had four years to create a single job in Maryland and has failed. Parents and small businesses owners face tough economic challenges in Maryland every day, and their governor’s only idea is to create yet another government website. Serious challenges require serious ideas to help families find jobs. This is precisely why I released a Roadmap to 2020 last week. Our plan lays out exactly how the Ehrlich-Kane Administration will create jobs for Maryland families and unleash entrepreneurs to grow and hire. Maryland is stuck, but I know we can do better with new leadership. As Governor, I will bear any burden and withstand any criticism in order to restore this economy and help families find secure, lasting jobs.”


  1. goverment does not create jobs. goverment kills jobs. how hard is that to figure out?

  2. Life is hard enough. Then add unemployment to it. I am so sick of government, PERIOD. They need to stay out of the publics life

  3. Yes governments kill jobs but a good government creates an environment friendly to business owners and enterpreneaurs. Legislation that doesn't choke business will bring in business.


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