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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Joe Albero Interviews Governor Bob Ehrlich

SbyNEWS Interview with Bob Ehrlich (Sept. 17, 2010) from G. A. Harrison on Vimeo.

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  1. Great interview. My family will vote for Bob. Thanks for the link. I had trouble with the original video.

  2. Great interview Joe. I don't see you working for FOX News anytime soon (lol) but the questions and answers were spot on!

    Go Bob Ehrlich!

  3. When you vote for Ehrlich, vote for the entire Republican ticket -- state legislature and county offices too.

    This year is too good to waste.

  4. I can't say I am too impressed. Not so much a knock against you but I just didnt gain much from this. And to be honest he doesn't need to be wasting his time with the Shore and SBYNews, he needs to get across that bridge and get the votes that matter so the Republicans can get this state back. Mr. Ehrlich has my vote though because it certainly won't be going to Owe'Malley.

  5. Annon 1:34 People like you that can't think beyond parties is the reason we are in despair in this country. Please vote for the best candidate not the party affiliation. Do some homework on each candidate.

  6. excellent bit of political information there. i gained a good grasp of what he is all about, those were very good questions. i am leaning toward voting for him.

  7. You have come a long way Baby !! Great work Joe and SBYNews. You truly are the best source for news. ;)

  8. There are knowledgable people currently in office from both parties. That being said, both parties want you to vote for candidates because of affliation. Americans need to vote out the unworthy politicians regardless of Democrat or Republican. We the American public must make a statement this upcoming election.

  9. Anonymous said...

    Annon 1:34 People like you that can't think beyond parties is the reason we are in despair in this country. Please vote for the best candidate not the party affiliation. Do some homework on each candidate.

    1:49 PM

    You obviously didn't do your homework you MORON. It is people like you that voted for the Democrats that put this country in despair.

    VOTE BOB EHRLICH and vote Republican all the way.

  10. Joe - great interview.

    Personally, I'm not going to vote for Ehrlich because he is partially to blame for the damage done to Maryland. And I'm not letting O'Malley off the hook either.

    Alternatively, I would like to see some new blood - and unfortunately for Marylanders it really doesn't matter who wins the Governorship because here on the eastern shore we just don't have the numerical State Delegate & Senate numbers to make subtantive changes.

    Am looking to relocate to DE at first opportunity - or - succession of eastern shore.

  11. Response to 9:33

    I am not going to vote for Ehrlich or O'Malley either.

    A vote for either candidate is to ignore reality.

  12. BEST interview yet. Great job Joe!

  13. Annon 3:31 I plan on voting for Bob
    Ehrlich because in my opinion he is the best candidate. FYI you are calling a Republican a moron. I consider myself a moderate republican which means I am not partisan when it comes to politics. You are quite the opposite, an extremist who would vote for Adoft Hitler just because he is an Republican. We need the best industralist, business, economist, and military leaders in this country regardless of party, are politics will continue status quo!

  14. Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrlich Ehrlich rah rah rah

  15. Anonymous said...

    Response to 9:33

    I am not going to vote for Ehrlich or O'Malley either.

    A vote for either candidate is to ignore reality.

    4:04 PM

    So what's your point moron. You don't vote for either one of them is typically a vote for the worse of two evils. Some people just don't get it.

  16. Bob Ehrlich is a good, straightforward man. O'Malley is a nice guy but is terrible at running a state.

  17. Joe, Congratulations on this interview. Your site has informed more voters in this election cycle than WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times combined!!

  18. Ehrlich is no conservative. Don't fool yourself. He is just the lesser of two evils. Yes I will vote Ehrlich this year - but I will wince as I do it. One eye closed and a grimaced face. I hope we can do better next election. He and his AFP have effectively fractured the conservative base.

  19. 1:34: That's funny. Louise Smith is a Republican, you know. The best candidate is the bst candidate and sometimes crossing party lines is the only way to get the best. A blanket statement of vote Republican or Dem just seems foolish. Check the candidates carefully and be sure to vote for those who will do the job that you think needs to be done for the benefit of our cities, counties, states, and nation. And, good interview.

  20. The greatest country on earth and we chose people that obviously aren't qualified to govern.


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