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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Should Seat Belts Be Required On The Bus?

Riding the bus is a relatively safe way to get from point A to B, but a new proposal under consideration by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would seek to make it even safer by requiring new motorcoaches -- as opposed to municipal or school buses -- to provide seat belts for all passengers on board.

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  1. Why does Obama want the government in control of every aspect of our lives? LEAVE US ALONE!!!

  2. I've never understood why school buses don't have seat belts.

  3. i think seatbelts should be a requirement. especially on a school bus.

  4. Not only for safety reasons from an accident but to keep the kids in place not messing with each other. The buses now days are out of control. The biggest problem is getting the kids to comply. There would have to be strict rules if they don't.

  5. they make you wear seatbelts but you can ride a motorcycle with no helment. i am a tax payer and a lot of tax money goes to pay for motorcycle riders to lay in hospitals brain dead for years

  6. 8:38 Wearing a helmet is MD law while riding a motorcycle.

  7. 10:10 I am talking about all states and I see people riding small motorcycles (scooters) with no helments. about 1 in 100 motor cycle riders are killed on their bikes... death wish. I will keep riding in my big pickup with my air bag


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