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Monday, August 09, 2010

'She's Too Young' — Puberty Hitting More Young Girls

American girls are entering puberty earlier — some as early as seven years old, new study shows.

Full story


  1. Thank you Perdue Chicken

  2. 1143 I agree. It is in everything we eat. High fat diets are linked to increased estrogen levels which is a factor in early puberty. Little girls should not have to grow up too soon.

  3. Yep, I agree...it's all the growth hormones in all the fast food and convenience foods.

  4. Hormones in animals to make them grow faster. Time is money.

    Facts from the Food Inc movie:
    Largest purchaser of ground beef in the world = McDonalds

    Largest purchaser of potatoes in the world = McDonalds

    Largest purchaser of Lettuce, tomatoes in the world = McDonalds

    These corporations control the agriculture business.

    Agriculture business is a sad phrase if you think about it

  5. this sheds some light on the topic


  6. Yep its also because kids are way healthier now than they were a century ago.Its alarming to think that there could be 10 yr old girls giving birth to babies.....

  7. Blue Tooth,
    You are kidding right? None of us are as healthy as average people compared to a century ago.

    Seriously - think about it

  8. Sorry 12:53, I have to disagree with you on that. Kids today are not as healhy today as they used to be. There are more imunizations but as far a diet goes..Most kids these days eat junk food and fast food. Meals with the family for the most part are a thing of the past.. Its very sad to say..

  9. Perhaps we each should have an organic garden and free range cows, pigs and chickens. Maybe the Obama people can give each one of us a grant to start the program and than pay us to keep records for 10 years to see if girls start to mature later.

    Are boys maturing faster also?

    How many of you buy these harmone laden products? Stop griping, plant an organic garden,turn into a vegan.

  10. The Codex Alimentarius will outlaw backyard gardens.

    The UN can't allow people to eat untested and unregulated (untaxed?) food grown in the back yard!

    Come on, they care about us

  11. ummmhum. They outlaw my garden, one of us is going to die.

  12. you people are ignorant, stupid, or both. Evolution does not cast her spell over a 100 year span. BTW, I believe it's both.

  13. 836 oh yes but it does. Over the past 100 years man's jaw has gotten smaller do to the difference in more refined foods. Many young people now only have two or three wisdom teeth do to this. Talk with your dentist and you will find out.

  14. So we arent healthier now than we were 100 yrs ago? Bullsh*t!Average life expectancy has increased dramatically over that period.We have eradicated some diseases that used to kill people and learned how to manage the ones we cant get rid of.We have penicillin and vaccinations.We have insulin.We have neonatal units and preemies as early as 23 weeks can survive.In 1910,there was an 85% infection rate after any surgery....Need I go on????


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