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Monday, August 02, 2010

Men Run Onto Citi Field With Mexican Flags

NEW YORK - Two men carrying Mexican flags in protest of Arizona's immigration law ran into the outfield during the seventh inning of the New York Mets' game against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Friday night at Citi Field.

The men were apprehended by security fairly quickly without much incident.

Prior to the game, about 40 people across the street from the ballpark chanted "Oppose racism!" and "Boycott Arizona!"

GO HERE to read more.


  1. They're rubbing it in all Americans faces !

  2. He was prob illegal too and got released right after this lol

  3. Try THAT with an AMERICAN flag during a soccer game in Mexico City. You'll be killed (maybe by the police, but you won't last long enough to buy a ticket outta town).

  4. I am getting SOOOOOOO tired of these ungrateful SOB'S. They come here, illegal or otherwise, and bitch and complain and nothing is good enough for them.
    Newsflash: You can go back to whence you came.

    Americans can tolerate a lot of bs but there comes a point when we won't.

    I think that point is fast approaching. Word to the wise.


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