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Monday, August 02, 2010

Israel Warns Hamas After Rocket Fire

Israel's prime minister issued a stern warning Sunday to Gaza's Hamas rulers after a weekend of rocket attacks from the Palestinian territory on Israeli communities.

Benjamin Netanyahu told his Cabinet that Israel holds the Islamic militant group responsible for the rare flare-up in violence and would retaliate for any attack against its people.

"I see the Hamas as directly responsible for any attack that comes from the Gaza Strip toward the state of Israel and the international community should see it this way as well," Netanyahu said. "Israel reserves the right to defend its citizens and we will continue to use all means to protect the people of Israel and the children of Israel."

The attacks caused damage but no injuries. No Palestinian group took responsibility for the attacks.

Israel responded with a series of airstrikes on militant targets in Gaza, including one that killed a senior commander of the Hamas military wing.

Years of rocket fire from Gaza has largely subsided since Israel launched a fierce offensive in the Palestinian territory in December 2008.

The three-week war dramatically reduced the number of rockets hitting Israel, but devastated the densely populated and impoverished Palestinian territory and drew international criticism.

Most of the rocket fire since has been carried out by smaller militant groups that do not necessarily accept Hamas' authority. Hamas has largely refrained from launching attacks, apparently because of concerns about Israeli retaliation.


1 comment:

  1. Fair warning.

    Israel is now totally justified (in their minds) to murder countless civillian Muslims as a response to the Hamas rocket fire.

    If the terrorists hide behind civillians, then by all means the civillians must be gunned down so that the soldiers can get the terrorists.

    Otherwise, the terrorists will be allowed to "terroize" civillians.



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