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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tea Party Bags Leader Over Blog Post

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

The National Tea Party Federation has ousted the Tea Party Express after the group's leader wrote what the Federation called a "clearly offensive" blog post concerning race.


  1. I put their emails towards my junk mail folder several months ago. They were always only out for the money they could raise, and had nothing positive to offer.

  2. Bet this guy is walking away with a boat load of cash. Reminds me of a TV preacher.

  3. It is a shame that the P.O.S. liberals can't argue policy or facts, so they resort to planting operatives in a grass roots group to try and discredit.

  4. and Al Gore didn't drop out of Vanderbilt's School of Divinity

    Now there is a true charlatan.

  5. 4:41,
    Are you nuts? The guy was a leader of the Tea Party Express, was a conservative talk show host before that. But in your world, the logical explanation is that he was a liberal plat. Quite a conspiracy!

  6. There's a fringe section in every large group .


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