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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Salisbury News Blasts Into Another Record Breaking Day

Just when you think it can't get any better, along comes another record breaking day in visits and another new goal is set.

We want to thank ALL of you for visiting Salisbury News and hope you enjoyed the content. More importantly we hope you return.

Our Family of Advertisers are all local businesses striving to make it in a very difficult economy. Take the time to click on their ads and learn more about who they are and the services they provide.

While I have your attention, allow me to apologize to Mr. Joe Ollinger for stating in a recent article he was against the Revenue Cap. This was inaccurate, we apologize and ask Mr. Ollinger to please forgive us for this mistake. Mr. Ollinger does in fact support the revenue Cap. No excuses, we made a mistake.

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