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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Supreme Court Police Ban Praying on Courthouse Steps

What happened to the First Amendment?

Nathan Kellum, an attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund, said on May 5 of this year Mrs. Rigo and her class from Wickenburg Christian Academy in Wickenburg, Ariz., visited the Supreme Court for an educational tour. While standing on the Oval Plaza of the Court steps, the group began to pray quietly. Despite having prayed on Court grounds without incident during a previous trip, a Supreme Court police officer interrupted the prayer, informed the group they could not pray in that location, and guided them toward the street.


  1. With a Mulsim president, what did you expect. There is no more "In God We Trust"!

  2. To 2:34 -- Considering that Obama isn't a Muslim and that even if he were, he's not head of the judicial branch of government, your comments make no sense. Chief Justice John Roberts is head of the judicial branch, Obama is head of the executive branch. Obama has no authority over the Supreme Court or any other courts.

  3. 2:41 it may not be Obama directly but it is the liberal takeover of our constitutional rights. Once again I may add. Just chalk this one up with allowing citizenship to anchor babies.

  4. I think this is ridiculous. I AM NOT a religious person but I see nothing wrong with "one nation under god" or "in god we trust" it is part of our history AND WE SHOULD RESPECT IT, regardless of our own religious beliefs or lack thereof. People should be able to pray whenever and wherever they want. Would they have kicked a group of muslims off the steps if they laid out their mats and were praying b/c it was the time of day for them to pray? Of course not!!

  5. Of couse it's the obama admin., why didn't him and his wife just pose for a new picture on the aunt jemima pancake box

  6. To 2:46 -- how do anchor babies have anything to do with this? And you might want to re-read your Constitution. Citizenship for people born here is in the Constitution, so citizenship for anchor babies is clearly constitutional (whether it is good policy or not is another question).

    And people should read the article not just the misleading headline. As the Supreme Court spokesman said, there is no policy to prohibit prayer by anyone on the steps of the Court. It seems an overzealous police officer was out-of-line and now some Christan legal defense group is using this incident as a way to raise money.

  7. 2:14 Can you prove Obama is not a Muslim, hell you cant even prove he is an American.Michelle and Obama have both shown that they hate America

  8. Brittni,

    You do realize that "In God We Trust" and "One Nation, Under God" are recent inventions, right? You want to really honor our nation's history? Get rid of those slogans and replace them with the 1st Amendment.

  9. Hrm... need to be real careful with this one..

    What is the difference between a silent protest, and a group silently praying. This one is big on the slippery slope theory.

    the purpose of the supreme court building is Supreme court business, not providing shelter for a group that wishes to organize and pray.

    I Support the PD's actions. No ones first amendment rights were violated. Imagine a large group coming to your workplace, stopping in the middle, and beginning to pray (be it silently, or kneeling and bowing on the floor)... it is simply inappropriate.

    The true crime is that someone needed to tell them what they were doing is inappropriate. (Matthew 6:5-8).

  10. The cop was out of line, like the one that arrested Professor Louis Gates for entering his own house.
    They should all sit down and have a beer.

  11. 4:06 we can hear the venom dripping from your voice...i guess the only people that pray in public are people who are hypocrites...is that what you are saying? You should not be quoting scripture if you think praying in public is inappropriate.

    Remember smarty pants...it is freedom of religion not freedom from religion!

  12. considering this only appearing on right leaning website this sounds like the poor, persecuted martyr-wannabes hearing what they wanted to hear. If it's NOT, then the officer is monumentally stupid, but it just sounds too fabricated; doesn't pass the smell test.

    40 U.S.C. §13(k) provides:
    It shall be unlawful to parade, stand, or move in processions
    or assemblages in the Supreme Court Building or grounds, or to
    display therein any flag, banner, or device designed or adapted
    to bring into public notice any party, organization, or

  13. 5:56PM - you are pretty funny. It is abundantly clear that you think the USA is a CHRISTIAN nation, given your derisive tone about Obama being a Muslim. Even if he were, are we not allowed to have a Muslim elected official?

    Remember smarty pants... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

    The phrase "[A] hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world" was first used by Baptist theologian Roger Williams, the founder of the colony of Rhode Island, in his 1644 book The Bloody Tenent of Persecution.

    The phrase was later used by Thomas Jefferson as a description of the First Amendment and its restriction on the legislative branch of the federal government, in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists (a religious minority concerned about the dominant position of the Congregationalist church in Connecticut), assuring that their rights as a religious minority would be protected from federal interference. As he stated:

    Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their "legislature" should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between church and State.

  14. mmm, mmmm, mmmmm, liberals trying to rewrite history again.

    we are given "God given rights" and we are "one nation under God"

    we have freedom of religion so we can pick and choose our own preferred God.

  15. hey 6:54...yes it is me again 5:56...that was my only comment...I said nothing about Obama being a muslim...but it seems like my post was a little difficult for you to understand because you did not answer my question...you were the one who quoted the bible...why are you citing the bible in trying to "teach" us about the separation of church and state?

    Once again I can't resist...SMARTYPANTS :)

  16. Does everyone hear the thunder...

    that would be God having a good laugh.

  17. they wanna pray let them go kneel on beans

  18. 8:41 - Exactly. Everyone can choose whatever God they want to, in whatever religion they want to, even if it is not Christian. That is what it protected by the Constitution. (Though the God of Islam, the God of Christianity, and the God of Judaism are the same thing, if he exists at all.)

  19. Oddly, the Supreme Court is considered conservative by a wide majority of people. Their correct rulings on the gun bans in DC and Chicago bear this out to a point.

    My assumption is that they ruled that implicit in our freedom OF religion was also freedom FROM religion and allowing prayer was an endorsement of religion in a generalized sense.

  20. 11:26 - dead wrong! They are not the same god. My God gave me the bible...not the koran. They are two totally different sets of guidelines. For example, my God's view of redemption and allah's view are completely opposite.

  21. Hey 8:14,

    Please find where it says we are "one nation, under God" in the US Constitution, which is, after all , our actual government. Can't wait to see it!

  22. 4:01 - "in god we trust" first appeared on money in 1866 - recent??? I think NOT!

    "one nation under god" was added to the pledge in 1954 - not as recent but still more than 50 years old...

  23. 10:47am learn your history. In god we trust first appeared on money in1957.


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