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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Dave Merritt has turned in his application for the Fire Chief position in the City of Salisbury. Things should get quite interesting now!!!!!


  1. I respectfully submit that this headline means absolutely NOTHING to 98% of the people out there.

    Most do not know the organizational hierachy, the relationship between volunteers and paid regulars or any of the past history with fire chiefs.

    I am sure a few of the fire fighters who log on here (probably during work hours) will comment but I sense a collective "who cares?" from Salisbury.

    I mean, really, where is the consensual pick that can unify the organization? Nobody else cares.

  2. im one of those guys 1239pm dont care

  3. OK..Dru,Gordy & Hoppes....go back to work!!!!!!!!

  4. I'm one of the 12:39 gals that need more explanation of the politics over there! I am interested but I need context! Get one of your sources to overview the Good, the Bad & the Ugly of the SFD, please!

  5. Poor David...he doesn't meet the qualifications, but what the heck, neither does Rick Hoppes!!

  6. Thanks for the warning. Now I have time to plan our strategy and get to Ireton, Shanie and Louise like we did with the other local candidate.

  7. B.G. it's ok you can say it, like you did with Larry Dodd. Everyone knows it, there are few secrets held in Salisbury.

  8. Dave's as good as anyone else tha has applied. He doesn't stand a chance after he stood up for himself when his foot was crushed by that antique ladder truck. He damn sure knows about the wasteful spending thats gone on under See and Gordy.

  9. Wow.. Things just keep getting better for you guys in Salisbury!

    Disclaimer: That was a sarcastic statement.

  10. What is qualified anyway ? Your current clones are bosting about their degrees and certificates and nobody cares to hear it. Things sure went smoother in the past before college made you a leader. Your getting what you asked for and deserve.

  11. Typical podunk highschool mentality. Pathetic. Grow up. Take a trip over the bridge and see how the rest of the world lives. It is no wonder Smallsbury is a minimum wage, crime ridden, landfill of a community. They need to bring in someone from outside of idiottown and stop the whiny gossiping backstabbing culture that exists.

  12. Salisbury Stinks , it smells of corruption and illegal doings .
    The city government is as bad as the federal government. The fire dept. is just an unneccessary cost to the taxpayer. What do they do but sleep for 24 and off for 72.
    Get rid of the whole lot and go back to volunteers.

  13. 5:12pm...Volunteers (most)work during the day you idiot...I dont think their employers will justlet them off...think before you write.
    And 5:08...it is just as bad across the pond...

    Merritt maynot have the degree...but he has the backbone and he would be honest and a good leader ..and I honestly think he could make a difference....Council give him a chance!!!

  14. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury Stinks , it smells of corruption and illegal doings .
    The city government is as bad as the federal government. The fire dept. is just an unneccessary cost to the taxpayer. What do they do but sleep for 24 and off for 72.
    Get rid of the whole lot and go back to volunteers.

    5:12 PM

    Central to Station 2 or any station 2 units responding acknowledge?

    BEEPBEEP -- Wicomico Central Reallerting Station 2.

    Engine 16 is responding with the duty crew officer and 2.


    Central to Station 1 or any station 1 units responding acknowledge?

    BEEPBEEP -- Wicomico Central Reallerting Station 1.

    Engine 16 is responding with the duty crew officer and 2.


    Central to Station 16 volunteers or any station 16 volunteer units responding for the second call in Station 16's first due acknowledge?

    BEEPBEEP -- Wicomico Central Reallerting Station 16 volunteers.

    Deputy Chief 2 is responding don't reallert the Station 16 volunteers I will handle the call myself.

  15. I will take a common sense guy like David any day over one of the college educated morons any day. From what I know about David he is all about the people and doing the right thing. That would really be something to see a good guy come back to run a department that shit on him when he was down. Go David.

  16. 5:08

    It doesn't cost anything to go back across the bridege.

  17. Anonymous said...
    I will take a common sense guy like David any day over one of the college educated morons any day. From what I know about David he is all about the people and doing the right thing. That would really be something to see a good guy come back to run a department that shit on him when he was down. Go David.

    7:09 PM

    My guess is you don't have a college education either and that is why you are working a minimum wage job. I also guess that you don't live in the city or pay city taxes so your opinion doesn't count.

  18. 8:38........

    What does a college education have to do with treating people correctly and eliminating life safety hazards and unneccesary spending???? Tell me what College teaches this course?????

  19. Denis Leary for Fire Chief !! Rescue Salisbury !

  20. 7:36

    I can clearly see that you were educated in Smallsbury, you may consider finding a dictionary and learning how to spell.

    I never stated that I lived there.

  21. 5:08
    I have to wonder why you are such a fool. After all you live here. If this is such a horrible place why did you move here and continue to stay here? Could you not make it across the bridge? Was the traffic to much for you? Where you the bottom of your class and couldn't get ahead? You are the type of people that just need to go back under your rock. You are the type or person that can't get ahead by working you way up the only way you know its to put someone down to make yourself feel better. Trust me the other side of the bridge has their problems as well, open your eyes. I grew up there and still have several family members in different counties. If you don't like the Eastern shore LEAVE no one is making you stay here.

  22. Anonymous said...

    What does a college education have to do with treating people correctly and eliminating life safety hazards and unneccesary spending???? Tell me what College teaches this course?????

    9:41 PM

    Where did you go to college?

  23. 5:08
    "They need to bring in someone from outside of idiottown and stop the whiny gossiping backstabbing culture that exists."

    Do you mean like the Webster? He sure did a fine job didn't he?

  24. 10:21..then it really is not any of your business then is it!!!!

  25. ok well he may be a decent instructor of fire classes but after he brags about getting a settlement from the city due to an injury that obviously hasnt kept him from working (teaching, Paramedic in several places) why would the city want to hire back a bad apple?

  26. Well to inform 12:15.... David did not want to be forced to retire from the City of Salisbury. David was one of the good guys that was very dependable at any job or task that he was assigned to. As far as him being a bad apple you are sadly mistaken he was one of the good guys. He never abused the sick leave. The reason he was assigned to C-shift when one of the paramedics had surgery was that he was very dependable and he remained in admin doing the Information Technology portion. He was doing this when he was injured. And oh by the way he has never had a settlement from the City or IWIF.
    If you would take your head out of someones a*s you may see the real truth.And as far as him working he had to because the City does not take care of its employees in any department.
    David is a stand up guy and he has broad shoulders, go get em David and give them hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. 12:15

    Let me tell you something since you know everything.

    We got nothing from the City of Salisbury...David had 1120 hours of sick time and approx 100 or so vacation time/holdays..While David was out on Workers comp. The city was paying our health insurance.
    When you go out you are only paid 240 hours of sick time plus you can have your vacation time. Out of the 240 hours we had to repay the City back which was about $7000.00 check with the City!!!! The city retired him not being able to do his job description firefighter/paramedic. If you do your research Mr./Mrs. 12:15 you will find out he is just a Paramedic....And according to The State of MD he can do anything he wants except "A Firefighter". So to you Mr/Mrs. 12:15 if you want to know anything else please feel free to contact me.....

    The Wife .....Donna Merritt

    PS...we got nothing from the City or Never got a red cent from IWIF..check with our Lawyer...Also,if you want to write something negative please give your name and the facts...


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