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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We recently said that Rick Pollitt’s latest nominees for the Wicomico County Planning & Zoning Commission should be rejected. We stand by that view and offer this more detailed analysis of the two persons he has selected.

Dwayne D. Lockman, Sr., is most recently a developer and contractor who surfaced here about 10 years ago. Immediately before then he owned and operated a restaurant in Pennsylvania, and previously held positions in the Clinton administration involving welfare programs and various other federal government positions pertaining to computers.

Mr. Lockman portrays his firm “Rajun Cajun, LLC” as a major developer both here and in Lumberton, North Carolina. Recent newspaper articles there report that his activity in that state is defunct, and also that a foreclosure suit has been filed against property that his firm owns in North Carolina. Apparently nobody in Pollitt’s office – including his administrative assistant, Ted Shea, who is paid more than $100,000 per year, bothered to “vet” Mr. Lockman.

The second nominee, Jacob R. Day, is a recent college student with degrees in architecture, urban design and “environmental policy,” who has worked sporadically for “think tank” or similar organizations such as “Partners for Livable Communities.” Currently he works for the “Eastern Shore Land Conservancy,” which lobbies and advocates for limited development in rural areas. Mr. Day was on the committee that Pollitt convened last year to propose new legislation to curtail development.

Mr. Day is disqualified because of his position, if not his personal views.


  1. Is Jacob Day related to Michael Day ?

  2. A look at Mr. Lockman's history on MD casesearch should have said enough. Not to mention the tax sale listings for his properties.

  3. OMG, it just goes from bad to worse! That commission has been the cause of more bad planning decisions than the creators of the Hindenburg!

  4. Don't hate Mr. Day just because he is waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you

  5. 10:40 --

    He's much smarter than you, that's for sure!

  6. Jacob Day isn't related to Michael Day. He's related to Randy Day from Perdue. His brother is a farmer in Wico County.

    He's also not a recent college graduate - he graduated from college 6 years ago (though he went back to Oxford and Carnegie Mellon in recent years).

    I went to high school with him. He and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but you can bet he's not one of the anti-development types. He's a pretty open-minded person and is pro-downtown (like me).

    Also, he's not disqualified because of his position. They don't operate in Wicomico County - only Dorchester through Cecil.

  7. BTW... that County natural resources committee is not the one "convened last year to propose new legislation to curtail development". In fact, they are specifically charged with NOT dealing with ag zoning policy. They have nothing to do with it. And Mr. Day is their chairman, I'm pretty sure - mostly because he's not on one side or the other. I was at their last meeting - he wasn't there because he was at Army training of some sort.

    At the same time Rick got that group together he was talking about convening the committee you're talking about but he never did it. Didn't people know that? Joe, you might want to check this stuff out before you post.

  8. Saw on TV that these were removed from the Council's agenda this morning.

  9. Yeah, this is going to work session.

  10. 11:04 --

    Day's resume, which is posted on line, shows him at various colleges or universities from 2000 to 2008. It appears he has never practiced architecture or had a job after graduation except for advocacy groups like the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy. Even if that group does not operate here in Wicomico County, it's for sure he is simpatico with its policies, which are downright dangerous.

    It looks like Pollitt is trying to pack the Commission with liberal types to placate his NIMBY backers like Michael Pretl, John Grout, etc. The other person he has nominated, Dwayne Lockman was with the Clinton administration worjking on welfare matters. Need I say more?

  11. wow, talk about a conflict of interest on both counts.

  12. 1:35, I found the same thing. looks like he wasn't in college from 2004-2006 - he was president of something called the American Institute of Architecture Students. Then he went back to grad school from what I read.

    I can't guess what he's simpatico with... Worked everywhere from Becker Morgan Group to this Land Conservancy place. Maybe somebody should have figured out what his motives/beliefs are? Did Lockeman or Day get interviewed by the Council? Seems to me that should answer any questions and tell us if either of these two are appropriate.

  13. Day looks like an overeducated liberal bozo who thinks he knows it all. Joe Holloway and Stevie Prettyman will straighten him out in and Eastern Shore second.

  14. It's a sad world we live in where "overeducated" is considered an insult.

  15. 3:54

    It's only an insult in the minds of the ignorant. Heaven forbid we have a person with an education. Day sounds like a good choice to me.

  16. How is "overeducated" an insult if it is on the mark?

  17. Jake Day is a very intelligent individual. I am really not sure how anyone could say anything negative about him. He is devoting himself to public service. That in itself deserves a lot of respect.

  18. There is no such thing as "overeducated." The day any one of us stops learning, ie stops becoming educated, is the day we die, be it literally or figuratively. It is used as an insult by those who fear education's roll of questioning what you think you know.

  19. 6:21-

    Barack Obama "is a very intelligent individual" and so was Joseph Stalin.

  20. There are those who are 'educated beyond their intellect'.
    I think many of them went into marketing :-)

  21. The Rajun Cajun guy? Anyone who supports that appointment will lose my vote. I have heard hin at meetings and think he has no business making long term desisions for the place I call home.

  22. From what I've seen of Jake Day - both as a young person around here years ago and now as a young man, he'd be a great fit for the planning commission. He's a talented designer and would probably be a great ally to the development interests in this community. Our company worked with him when he brought a design competition to Salisbury for a new downtown building a few years ago. Good luck to Mr. Day!

  23. Sometimes you just have to say "When in Rome"...


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