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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

All In A Days Work!!!!!

Ladies & Gentlemen, the image you see above is the volume of comments that came in after we had issues yesterday with Blogger. If you'll recall, we were on and off throughout the day publishing some 300 comments, or so. However, as you can see from the numbers above, 1,626 comments were sitting there for me to moderate and quite frankly, I just don't have the time to catch up.

That being said, please accept my apologies right here and now because I simply went in there and rejected them until they were all gone. It's one thing to sit here throughout the day and moderate them but when you're hit head on with that many, I'd never catch up.

Can you feel my pain? Nevertheless, to those Nay Sayers who want to believe Salusbury News isn't what we say we are, one days worth of comments is more than you people see in an entire year!


  1. My suggestion would be to turn off comment moderation.

  2. hire some one (with your ideas) who needs a job if you can aford it.


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