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Monday, May 10, 2010

RNC Shakeup, Steele Still Holds Chair

The Republican National Committee's finance director and his deputy were forced out Friday as the organization still reels from reimbursements for donors to attend a lesbian bondage-themed nightclub in Los Angeles.

RNC chief of staff Michael Leavitt sent an e-mail message to committee members telling them of the changes in the fundraising department and promising a strong strategy heading into crucial midterm elections in November. A replacement for finance director Rob Bickhart and deputy Debbie LeHardy, expected to be longtime Republican fundraiser Mary Heitman, was to be announced soon.

The finance team's ouster came late on a Friday as the RNC prepared for a major meeting with its state party chairs in the Washington area next week. The RNC became a late-night joke and questions arose about chairman Michael Steele's tenure after financial reports showed lavish spending, including almost $2,000 for a night at a sex-themed nightclub with topless entertainers.

In a prepared statement, Steele said, "We are well-positioned for victory this fall and look forward to working with Mary to continue to improve upon our strong fundraising numbers and provide the support necessary to win elections."

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1 comment:

  1. Funny how no one seems to mind the WH school czar promoting a gay agenda in our schools.
    "sauce for the goose"?


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