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Monday, May 10, 2010

Obama To Tap (Ultra-liberal) Kagan For Supreme Court

President Obama is leaning toward Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens on the U.S. Supreme Court, according to press reports over the weekend.

Kagan appears to have beaten out other front-runners for the job, including federal appellate judges Merrick Garland and Diane Wood.

Seen as a more moderate choice on Obama's short list, Kagan has already survived a Senate confirmation process for her current job.

A formal announcement is widely expected by Monday or Tuesday.

Stevens, 90, leader of the high court's liberal bloc and the court's oldest member, is retiring this summer, giving Obama his second Supreme Court opening to fill.

The court's political makeup will not change, since Obama is expected to name a fellow liberal replacement for Stevens. Appointed to the court by President Gerald Ford, Stevens took office in December 1975 and has been known as a liberal despite his appointment by a Republican.

In a brief letter to Obama, Stevens said he concluded, "It would be in the best interests of the Court to have my successor appointed and confirmed well in advance of the commencement of the Court's next term."

Stevens says he'll step down when the Supreme Court finishes its work for the summer in late June. His retirement had been widely expected.



  1. Obama is stacking the Supreme court with militant lesbians so look for gay marriage to be the law of the land .

  2. Kagan is one ugly Man!!

  3. 9:30 who cares about gay marriage anyway. It is just another way for lawyers to double there income on divorces. There are more reasons to fear the liberal judges.

  4. 10:02 It's more about eroding our society and losing our moral compass . If this becomes the law of the land marriage will be a joke people will be able to marry anything they want including animals under equal rights . They will also be able to sue church's into obscurity if they don't perform these marriage services .

  5. 10:44, way to fearmonger with a bunch of BS.

    Doesn't Kagan remind you of comedian/actor Kevin James?

  6. 10:44 It will not be legal to marry animals. No church can be sued for not preforming same sex marriages.
    Nothing like trying to put all this false information.

  7. False information ? Yea your right no one has ever sued for equal rights in this country...Not ! Trying to cover for the movement makes you complicit people aren't as dumb as you expect them to be . Anybody who exposes your agenda is a fear monger !

  8. they sued for a minister in alabama (maybe mississippi) where he himself wouldnt marry a black and a white. it would be a simple transition to man and another man and another small transition to man vs beast, man vs outhouse, etc...

  9. 12:55 It was not a minister, it was Justice of the Peace, huge difference. A church that doesn't believe in black/white marriage does not have to marry them.

  10. You can sue for equal rights from a church ! First the will cut the church's tax exempt status and if that doesn't work they will be sued !

  11. I doubt that gay couples would even consider going into your evangelical extreme churches.
    There are plenty of gay friendly churches.

  12. Like the ones that dress in drag and go into the Catholic Church to disrupt services ?

  13. I'm sick of being tolerant to these degenerate type's that are intolerant of everyone else !

  14. While you steadily try to say that the "lazy" have bankrupted this country, you allowed for the politicians to provide you with tax cuts (to keep the base riled up) and high defense spending, while they still provided you with socialized services (medicare, social security), and fudged the numbers to make this look good on paper by raiding the trust funds for the same programs. Liberals and conservatives alike need to realize that you can't have your cake and eat it too


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