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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Mayor Doing For The Rich And Not The Middle Class

A copy of an email I posted on WBOC , Todays News Headlines.
I wonder if the working class people here in Salisbury will get some Federal aid. After all we are not rich enough to call the Mayor and have city employees to come out to our homes and remove the snow from the roads and from around our vehicles and driveways. Like the rich who live off Quantico Road in a development there who complained to the Mayor and he sent employees right away to plow their roads the way they wanted them done. They also did not want any snow plowed up in big piles because they did not want to have to look at them and the city had the snow trucked away from their development. Hey Mayor, the City Charter says no employees on private property. What do you have to say about this? Your as bad as the mayor before you. She had city employees go out to Canal Woods and sand bag one of her friends property whenever there was bad weather forecasted. City employees, city material and trucks. Wonder what this cost the citizens of Salisbury. You think the employees are going to keep quiet? No way sir. We thought you were going to be different. You as crooked as the rest of them. You should be ashamed of yourself. Oh and the city council members, you are getting special treatment also, right?Any city employees coming out to your property? Need I say more?


  1. As there were "FOB's" who received special services by dictate of the former mayor, it seems there is a new elite -- the "FOJ's".

    Please identify the street(s) or subdivision involved, and if possible provide neames.

  2. what development off Quantico Road did this happen in? I know a development they got plowed 2 times and didn't even need it the second time!!!

  3. Rich people were born into important families who have a history of public service both in government and in the private sector. Some families provide jobs to the unfortunate ones who are born into poverty. Others provide much needed intelligence in government roles and serve the public.

    Those who are born into less fortunate families are always jealous of the rich. Luckily for them, many of the rich help to take care of them. They sometimes make decisions which the poor and working class do not understand. But in the end, the rich generally take care of the poor.

    That is the way America was created and will continue to operate. The less fortunate should count their blessings.

    If the rich neighborhoods aren't plowed, then how are the rich going to help the rest of the people?

  4. I have a business right here in Salisbury. Snow plow came once and plowed in the center of the street. Two others came thru with the blades UP. I guess the weight of the truck should break up the ice? I cleared the 5" of ice from the street and piled it on my property so I had enough room for customers to park in the 20 minute parking. These employees went thru the motions of removing snow. I guess I cant expect much from employees who are not trained to do the job. I am 64 years old and a female. I learned from doing the job. I didnt ask the city for help even though I do pay taxes. I got it moved one shovel at a time! Thank God it is spring!

  5. I have a hard time believing that city plows were plowing off Quantico Rd. Quantico Rd runs from Hebron to Nanticoke rd. Very far from Salisbury. 9:52, before all I heard was complaining because roads werent plowed enough, now there is complaining that they were plowed too much. How do you people want it? I made out just fine in the snow. It is spring now so lets move on to some new things to b!tch about.

  6. there are no rich people in wicomico county? seriously


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