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Friday, March 05, 2010

Mayor Ireton, Wicomico River, Creekwatchers & SU

Hi Joe:

I'm sure you saw the Daily Times article today regarding The Wicomico Creekwatchers.I just don't get it. Mayor Jim Ireton states "But the thing that is important and the reason I want to keep Creekwatchers in the fold is they have done all this research over the past eight years and nobody has done anything with it."

Then a comment by Judith Stribling a biology professor at Salisbury University--But continuing to perform the tests at all depends on funding. Stribling who serves as liaison to the testing program performed by students as SU, said it's not clear.

Here is my question--Why pay for testing that is not being used by anyone? Sounds like SU is making money! Also SU is building enormous buildings that don't require storm water retention ponds like all the commercial building around it. I guess these rules don't apply to them!

Seems like Dr. Stribling is somewhat of a hypocrite since the SU storm water goes directly into the streams that flow into the Wicomico River. Maybe its just job security for her.



  1. We've been over this before.

    Creekwatchers are a few normal people with several hardcore progressive anti business nut jobs at the helm, and a few more wackos sprinkled onto their spying, lying kayaks.

    They take data that they have aquired and then manipulate said data to give them an outcome that they like.

    I am ensuring that in the future the only funding stream they will be able to procure will come out of our fair Mayor's pants.

  2. Did you ever realize that SU may have utilized an underground storm water management system. Find out your facts before throwing around accusations. Assume = not informed. When you use words like "it looks like" and "maybe" you are just not informed so find out your facts before you have Joe post your dribble.

  3. These libtards all hang together, that's why they have never come out against Barry and the City for the tremendous enviromental damage that they have done to the Wicomico.

    Meanwhile the Mayor and the SBY City Dems and Repug libs want to eat up more of the city through expansion so that Mayor Ire Von Draculton can get his harpy like fangs onto your neck to suck the life blood, sorry, I mean tax money out of you.

  4. @:13 You seem to be in the know. Does SU utilize an underground storm water management system?

  5. Anyone who truly believes that SU (or any other large agency or business) is constructing new buildings of that size without any storm water management hasn't a clue. Use your head! Maybe ask questions of people who know! Perhaps there should be an IQ test for commenting on blogs...along with one for having kids or driving!

  6. Sounds like some uneducated people of Salisbury getting frustrated when they can't understand science. Jeeze people. Lay off Dr. Stribling, she does know what she's talking about, that's what having the Dr. in front of your name means. The same can't be said for those of you who didn't even graduate high school..

  7. She was one of my professors in college, she does know her stuff.

    There is underground storm water drains at SU, you can see the it clearly labeled on the drains.

  8. 7:43 Dr. does not mean you are competent just you are book smart. Dr. could mean Dense-reckless. Don't insult people with common sense. This just shows your, DR. BS, ignorance. No I am not uneducated.

  9. PhD...Piled Higher and Deeper.

    Just kidding. You have to take them as they come. Some PhD's are idiots and some are experts.

    I have a PhD and hope I fall somewhere near the top,but there are days when I wonder.


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