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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ehrlich Will Run Against O'Malley

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Anne Kramer and the Associated Press

Former Republican Governor Robert Ehrlich says he will challenge Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley in November's election.

Ehrlich told reporters on Tuesday that he'll run for his old job.

His announcement sets up a rematch between Maryland's two biggest political foes.

Ehrlich, 52, says he arrived at the decision within the last two months after an awful lot of thought.

In 2002, he became Maryland's first Republican governor in a generation when he defeated then-Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.

In Maryland's 2006 governor's race, Ehrlich lost his re-election bid with 46 percent of the vote to 53 percent for O'Malley, who was then mayor of Baltimore


  1. If it's either him or O'Malley then Delaware really is the better place to live.

  2. Democrats are good at playing the victim , Not running things I'll vote for Bob.

  3. He certainly has my vote!!! (Ehrlich) I have had enough of the dumbocrats in office! This is certainly a good start!

  4. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Where were all of you before?

  6. I hope he wins but I wish he would pledge to not raise taxes at all. We don't need any more of those flush taxes that he stuck us with the last time.

  7. I will work hard for him. Ehrlich put my good friend Judge Wade on the bench. I am a proud, anti-Obama, pro-life, pro-business conservative Democrat!

  8. Depends on his views... is he a TEA Partier or not? Look out, folks... just because he's not a democrat doesn't mean he won't vote away our rights! Look for more candidates.

  9. So Ehrlich again or another round of O'Malley. Why can't someone else run. Maryland's political class sucks. I guess at this point I would vote for Mickey Mouse over O'Malley, so I am a reluctant Ehrlich voter.

  10. I don't think he will vote away our rights. He didn't in his last four years.

    Remember, MOM had to have a "special session" to raise taxes across the board, after he ran through the rainy day fund left by Ehrlich.

    I'm behind him 100%.

  11. OK Folks tell me have you forgot the deficit in Maryland when Ehrlich left office. Give me a break Ehrlich was a screw up and Steel is such an embarrassment to the GOP as well............thats what kills me. GOP (Bush and Ehrlich)made such a mess. Huge deficits then expect the democrats to fix it in a few years? How stupid is Marylanders?

  12. I'd rather have Sarah Palin, but anyone is better than another dummycrat.

  13. 9:45, I would guess that you actually think Obama, reid, Pelosi, O'Malley have done a good job. You need some serious help, please seek it.

  14. Wow. I hope he gets another chance to double our MVA fees like last time!!

  15. Ehrlich was hands down a better governor than O'Malley. He worked with the Dems. In fact, he is still the only Republican governor to sign and implement a favorable medical marijuana law. While many didn't like the flush tax, it's goal was noble- to clean up the bay.

    So we have a fiscal conservative that is open minded to personal freedom and cleaning up the environment that is NOT named Ron Paul? Why did we vote him out again?

  16. 9:45 check your facts: Ehrlich left anywhere from a $670 million up to $1.5 billion SURPLUS(depending on which source your believe) when he left office.

  17. Can't wait for that breath of fresh air! GO EHRLICH!

  18. Let's face it, we on the Eastern Shore can vote for whoever we want. However, it seems that the candidate who swoons the rich people over in Montgomery and PG counties always wins.

  19. 8:24 It,s a matter of IQ, not money, between the western shore and the eastern shore.

  20. Does anyone remember Gov. Glendening??!? Talk about your budget deficit!!!! Gov. Ehrlich had alot of fixing to do when he took office, if you remember! I am so pleased that he will run again!!


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