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Monday, February 15, 2010

You Have To See This!

POPCORN (This will blow your mind).probably already has.
This is enlightening!!!

This is probably what it does to our brain cells - like putting your head in a microwave.

Check this out! And we're supposed to believe that cell phones are safe?

Click on the word 'POPCORN' below and watch.


  1. This is wild I think we will have to try this one. Thanks

  2. I'm not sure if it is in fact or not, but I heard these videos are hoaxes. I have my suspicions since they they do not show the viewer what is going on under the tables.

  3. Notice the table skirt. It hides the microwave tube underneath it. Not very safe for the people around the table.

  4. I wouldn't waste too much time trying that at home, unless your real good at video editing

  5. Update #1: The videos were indeed part of a viral marketing campaign for Cardo Systems, makers of Bluetooth headsets. http://www.cardosystems.com/homepage

    Update #2: Cardo Systems CEO Abraham Glezerman reveals how the cell phone popcorn trick was done.

  6. Anything that gives someone a bad idea can't be good.


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