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Monday, February 15, 2010

Somerset Commisioners Spend With NO Money And NO Questions Asked

EMPTY Pauper Burial Account Used Again to Subsidize Funeral
But Somerset Commissioners Fail to Ask Full Price

Somerset County Commissioners in a vote of 3-1 approved spending $250.00 from an EMPTY pauper burial account without knowledge of the full price charged by Bennie Smith Funeral Home.

County Adminstrator Sam Boston said just over $500.00 was owed Bennie Smith after much was covered by donations, but Boston did not know what the full price of the funeral had been.

The Bennie Smith Funeral Home made the request for financial assistance after a portion on Ms. Handy's bill remained unpaid. Hilda Handy of Mt. Vernon died December 19, 2009.

Commissioner Vice President Rex Simpkins, of Mount Vernon, made the motion to approve payment. This passed 3-1 with President Mike McCready the lone opposition since the original cost of the funeral was not provided.

The Commissioners made no effort to obtain cost documents or reschedule request until documents were provided. Commissioner Jim Ring had left the meeting prior to this discussion. The request from Bennie Smith should have been reserved until adeqate documents were provided as to the full cost of the Handy funeral. There was no need to rush this approval since the request was incomplete.

Regardless of the expenditure, the Commissioners seem to have little regard for the taxpayers' money. There may be a legitimate need for a pauper burial account, but the Commissioners must require full documenation before spending our money. It is inexcusable to not have knowledge of the full cost and still award the funds. President Mike McCready made the correct decision since Bennie Smith failed to provide the full cost of the Handy funeral.

With declining revenues, all government agencies would be wise to curtail expenditures and carefully review budget items if the cost is hundreds, thousands, or millions. The reckless spending of the past must be over. The citizens are vigliant and expect fiscal responsibility.

Full story in Crisfield-Somerset County Times, February10, 2010
page 10


  1. maybe you should look into what the commissioners did when they spent $117,000 additional taxpayer funds by awarding the community services building to the third lowest bidder - richard weatley - the local boy

  2. thats the ones that support the minorities with out proper papers
    UMES has lotta criminals working there right now without through background checks.

  3. Have you seen how much the State's Atty office has spent! Old Judge Long had to beg for more money for the Grand Jury because of wasteful spending bu the State's Atty.

  4. I'm confused. Are you saying there is money set aside to pay for funerals if the people don't have insurance or money to pay? Gee, that sure is nice. Where can I find out more about this?

  5. Just ask and you shall receive 9:39 it's elections year. Free money for everyone with the dems in charge.

  6. I'm not surprised that the SA's office wasted money, there has been no leadership in that office since Logan left. My question is who came up with the extra money for the grand jury? I'm sure it was tax payers money but if it wasn't in the county budget, where did it come from?

  7. I hope Somerset follows the national trend in November by removing these corrupt democrats from office and replacing them with new blood. Preferably from any party other than the democratic party.

  8. Typical government, spend money that you don't have. Wake up people, vote them out.

  9. Rumor has it that Somerset is facing a rather hefty lawsuit involving it's former infamous detention center warden James L. Henderson.

  10. Let's not forget the Commissioners' wasteful spending on ballparks and a marina.
    And who pays for these ill thought out boondoggles for the boondocks?
    The happy smiling taxpayer.

  11. Maybe the big spending states attorney Hickman should focus on the criminals just down the street at UMES. You know its election year for her.

  12. LOL 8:35 Everytime the county awards bids,the winner usually has just the "right" last name.Look at the names involved in the big "borrow pit" fiasco,Thats why Somerset County will never attract any more industry or culture than it already has because if yu arent from here you have no place here.It is not fair but its true.

  13. I agree with an earlier post. Vote them all out of office next election. Everyone from the governor to the dog catcher and everone in between. Maryland and Somerset county needs a clean sweep.

  14. If you are sick of big spending and big government, you might want to go to the somerset AFP meeting. Saw a flyer in a business about this. think its Feb 24 at Beach to Bay seafood. Don't know time but will check next time I'm out.

  15. Please tell more...
    Elaborate on UMES criminal employees and community service bid to third lowest.

  16. Looks as if my commissioners voted for this payment without requesting the full cost.
    If that is how he votes on small issues, I expect better.
    If he runs for re-election, I'll vote for his opponent.

  17. Most of these post are shocking but not surprising. The wasteful spending of this county is almost criminal. Marina, park, golf course, million dollar renovation of the county complex, etc. Now the commissioners are paying for funerals. We have truly reached the point of womb to the tomb care by the government here in Somerset County. By the way the States Attorneys budget is almost a million dollars a year. For a small county like Somerset that figure sounds prodigious. It might be time to audit the office of the States Attorney if in fact they have exhausted their funds for this fiscal year.

  18. Gee, why not give the entire county to the Simpkins family to do what they will.
    Do you think they're somehow genetically superior? They're not. They're just so far up your collective keesters that you don't know any better.
    What they really are can be answered by someone who knows and isn't afraid to tell you.

  19. Just saw where a 5million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the county and former warden James Henderson. That should be interesting if you can get any info Joe. I think the criminal investigation was botched by Davis Ruark, maybe justice will be served in the civil case.


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