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Monday, February 01, 2010

Wicomico County Schools Closed Tomorrow Too

"Monday, February 1st - Tuesday, February 2nd: Schools closed due to weather"


  1. more snow/ice tomorrow night too, the kids might have off wednesday as well

  2. Delmar School District also closed

  3. anybody know anything about salisbury school?

  4. at this rate they will be going to school year round this year

  5. The roads are clear enough that everyone else can get around without much trouble.

    If it's black ice they are worried about, then delay them for 2 hours, and let the sun melt the black ice.

  6. Hey people...IS THIS EARLY ENOUGH FOR YOU???

    Oh, let me guess...now you will complain about why they are closed...look at the backroads!

  7. So I have a question... WHY is it I turned on wboc news last night and then again today at 5pm, only to see how Milton DE roads look. Last night the first 15 mins was all about Milton and how their roads are.. Nothing about Salisbury, I guess we have nothing going on, no crime, no snow, roads are great etc.... first 10 mins into tonights broadcast and Salisbury hasn't been mentioned yet but Milton was talked about in the first 3 mins? What gives?

  8. anonymous 5:06, mine already does. The best education any child could get with the best teachers on earth. Go Delmar Elementary!

  9. I work for the school system. I am hoping for the whole week. Wboc is forecasting another storm for this weekend as well something like last weekend if not more. May be some school closings next week as well.

  10. Welcome to the Eastern Shore were we close for everything and anything!!!!! I don't care if the school closes, just let us go on Pres. Day and Spring break!!!

  11. dont think we can go after June 30. Would violate teacher contract. New fiscal year.

  12. anonymous 5:09, the pressure from Salisbury News is just too much for them to take.

  13. Makes homeschooling look that much better doesn't it?

  14. What r my tax dollars paying 4? Where's Al Gore when we need him, NOT!!!! Global Warning?!?!

  15. Some of you really dont care bout your children!! /have you truly looked at these side roads?? yes 13 and 50 maybe really clear!! But to look out my front door at the area I live in ITS HORRIBLE. I would not want my kids on nobodys school bus. Think Of your kids and not your jobs!!!

  16. 5:12 According the the county calendar, Presiden't Day and Easter Break are not days that can be used as makeup days. Only a few days that have a "+" sign beside them can be used after the 5 build in days as the end. Is in the small print on the bottom right of the calendar.

  17. Why take away holidays? As many Professional Days that are given each month, take one of those until the days are made up. Don't push further into the summer.

  18. The schools didn't start clearing their parking lots till today, and haven't touched the sidewalks. They can't blame it all on the roads. I live on a "backroad" and my road is nearly clear. They have plowed it several times since Saturday. I was actually quite impressed considering how much snow we got. Hats off to the road crews!

  19. Another day off at taxpayer expense

  20. 5:11 AMEN I'm loving gthe snow & the days off too!

  21. Wboc just had a segment about roads in wicomico. They aren't just talking about Milford.

  22. 5:11 and 5:51

    I am sure you will be lovin' it this summer when you are stuck in a hot classroom providing daycare! Lol

  23. Why take any days? Why add it on to the kids. It's the weather. No ones fault. Don't make up any days. map

  24. Can anybody tell me if worwic is closed 2morr? Thank you

  25. i was at work today and in my travels though Salisbury, It looks to me like the Sate and the county trucks did a very good job plowing and clearing the roads but the city didn't do anything. I drove to work on the county and state roads with no problem but had to lock in the 4 wheel drive when i hit a city rd to get into my parking spot at work.

  26. 5:46 You must not have gotten out and about - GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!!! While riding around yesterday we saw the custodial staff of many schools out YESTERDAY (SUNDAY) cleaning their parking lots and sidewalks. This is at least true at Wi Middle, Wi Hi and Pittsville just a few of the schools we rode by.

  27. For you people who live in the suburban areas of Salisbury and complaining about schools being closed why don't you hop in a car and drive around the backroads of Pittsville and Willards! Then I'll come pull your dumba**es out of the ditch!

    It's amazing how hard it is for some of you to actually have to take care of YOUR kids and do what's best for THEM for a few days.

  28. I think it's so funny - the kids can't get to school but some how or another they have no trouble getting to the stores/mall/movies, etc. Something wrong with this picture. Year round school should be happening everywhere.

  29. I have been out driving around a lot of places today. Some roads are mostly clear, just wet, which will refreeze.

    But some of the roads are a 6 inch slushy mess. Some were in the county. Many were in the city. If the road didn't get direct sun and wasn't salted, it was a wreck.

    Anyone thinking it's a good idea to get buses full of school kids out on those roads is nuts.

    No school day is worth risking a life.

    Good for Wicomico Ed for making the decision early. For those of us who have to make accommodations, that's really appreciated.

    Beat them up on the budget, but not this. I'd rather the kids be safe.

  30. Lets care about our children. the back roads are a mess. Roads in early morning will be black ice. why put these children in danger? they can make the days up with no problem. Lets just keep our children safe and not on the icy roads.

  31. 6:45, You are exactly right. If yhese kids can goof off all over town, they can bee in school.

  32. Glen ave, Wi-hi, Parkside, and Bennett were working on their lots today. The last I saw, they were not in shape enough for class. Most sidewalks had not been touched, unless it was very late today.

  33. 7:36 maybe "yhese" should "bee" in school...

  34. For those who insist we should be open, please let it be your child or grandchild who is standing on the side of a snowpacked road, waiting for a bus that may not be able to brake safely. SHOULD your child be injured, surely YOU wouldn't sue because you wanted the kids on the bus to begin with. Come on people, you can't have it both ways! KIDS SAFETY FIRST! Sorry if that means they miss another day, but I'd rather make up a than explain to a parent that their child's life was worth the risk.

  35. Some back roads have yet to see a snow plow!!! We have to keep all of our kids safe.

  36. Much of the blame for another day of schools being closed lies with the Public Works Departments of both Wicomico and Salisbury. It was interesting that the new City of Salisbury Public Works director was quoted in a front-page article about her in today's Times as saying that "Actions speak louder than words." If her Department's response to the snow was her first test, she has failed miserably.

    I left Baltimore County Sunday morning to return to Salisbury. the side street in Baltimore County where I spent Saturday evening was clear on Sunday morning. All lanes of all roads were cleared from the Baltimore Beltway until I crossed the Nanticoke River into Wicomico Co. Only one lane of each direction on Rt. 50 was plowed, and the plowing was haphazard. When I turned onto Mill St. and up Camden Ave., there appeared to have been little plowing. The side streets off of Camden were even worse.

    I already know what the spin will be: They don't have enough money. We deserve better from Public Roads.

  37. 6:45 AND 8:07. You both are complete idiots and obviously not from the Shore! You wreak of negativity and lack of reason. So what? You saw a few kids at a movie and that makes it wrong? From OC to Bridgeville we had a foot of snow or better and your bitch'n cause there's a few extra kids at the mall?? Bet you a paycheck you'd sue the first person that hit your child at a bus stop or God forbid an accident involving a bus and snow! You people kill me! Just because your road is clear doe not mean the rest are not! I just wanna bust people like you up!

  38. Anonymous said...

    at this rate they will be going to school year round this year

    5:06 PM

    My kids won't be. Their last day is June 11, 2010 regardless of how many snow days. Sorry WCBOE, but my family has plans.

  39. 8:07 You're right! They should have made better plans and got a quicker start. If so, we would be having school tomorrow. Bet Ricky is looking for new taxes now, for snow removal. more trash cans. gold shovels and plows. This is funny stuff!!

  40. 6:24 No Wor-Wic is open AGAIN tomorrow. I could not believe my eyes this morning when SU, UMES, ESCC, Ches. College were all closed but Wor-Wic was fully open! The parking lots were awful and it took forever to get there, but had to attend due to limits on time allowed to miss. Glad to see they were concerned about all of their students.

  41. Daddio said...

    The roads are clear enough that everyone else can get around without much trouble.

    If it's black ice they are worried about, then delay them for 2 hours, and let the sun melt the black ice.

    5:09 PM

    Agreed. They are stretching out the days for a reason. Does anyone know why?

  42. Guaranteed that 99% of the negative responses on here are those that have no kids or are those that have nothing better to do than complain. Wa, wa, wa, my kid is more important than any budget you might defend! Sorry about your/my county and how they budget , but when it comes to protecting my child from harm you can kiss my A$$! Maybe you should join Frederickson and his staff tomorrow at Ruth Chris in West Ocean City to discuss............if you can get there .....and make sure you blame every parent and child you see there too for being there while you are at it for not being in school. Hypocrits make me wanna vomit....I just wish they were here for me to barf on!!

    Pissed and ready to respond to any idiot that thinks our buses are ready to roll!!!

  43. 9:00, What are you smoking? If some kids can get to the movies, so be it. Fortunately, it is not the responsiblility of a bus driver to get them there. The contractors have a big responsibility; getting your children to school safely. 8:07 wasn't complaining that there was no school, he/she was making the comparison with Baltimore County's Pulic Work and ours. Personally, I had to work today and the only road I traveled that didn't have snow on it was RT 13. I work in the middle of Salisbury.

  44. What people need to realize is that the WCBOE has to provide transportation to students from Bivalve, Nanticoke and other places that aren't exactly high on the snow plowing priority list. It's hard enough to get to some of these places by car right now, let alone a bus!

  45. I wouldn't want to be a bus driver trying to to stop on one of these side roads, making sure the bus doesn't skid to the side. Best to err on the side of caution.

  46. The minute they don't close schools and something happens to your child, I wonder what will happen then, what will get said. Remember when Talbot didn't have a fog delay when everyone else did and a life was lost. Now, they have to react. Having to react is not a good position to be in when it concerns children.

  47. I love how these idiots claim it's abut the safety of the children and then they let them play in the streets unattended or take them to the Elks Club to sled down the hills. They also make it to the mall, the movies and Chuck E. Cheese's but it is about the safety of the children. A better solution would be a 2 hr delay.

  48. What I don't understand is the WCBOE Superintendent is from Minnesota where it snows all winter long. Do they close the schools all winter long? No they have plan be and they learn to drive in the stuff.

  49. I would be interested in knowing how many of these complainers have cleared off their own property. I was walking through my neighborhood and was shocked at how few shoveled a path to their own doorstep. If they have an emergency it would be a trick to get in or out of their place.

  50. 9:27 Thank you it dont make sence and then we are geting more snow and rain today so it's going to be a mess out there.

  51. Anything public works around here is a joke. Comparing Baltimore to anything around here is a bad idea. You'll find that even the most basic of services here are half-a$$ed. You see how many defend it as they have the blinders on. Clear the backroads with SALT and plowing and this subject wouldnt even be on this blog. The Wico idiots in public works havent applied any salt to any of the roads near my home in Willards. Stupid rednecks in charge make the easiest of tasks seem so difficult. Yet again, laziness and ineptitude prevail on the shore. Blame it on the backroads, CLEAR THE BACKROADS if they are so important. How hard is it? More shore morons at work.

  52. Take a drive on Robin's Avenue if you can make it from one end to the other.

  53. 5:59, what is that supposed to mean? If it was up to the superintendant, schools would be open. I'm sure he'd prefer people to know how to drive in it too. All we have around here are redneck idiots in SUV's who think they own the road.

  54. How do you suggest that the county pays for salt on every road? It is not possible. One thing that would help is if all the people would quit riding around when not necessary and packing down the snow, which becomes ice and cannot be removed. Considering the county has over 700 miles of road, I think they did a good job. The state doesn't have near as much in this county, has money to salt all of them, and has 3 or 4 times the manpower, and hires an army of subcontractors. In reference to Baltimore county, they didn't get as much snow, have more employees and much more funding. Lets compare apples to apples, and not peas to gratefruits. If you want salt on every road, and 100 people on hand t remove snow, you gotta fund it. It aint free.

  55. Anyone that questions why schools are out but kids are at the mall or sledding needs to consider one very important issue...BUSES!! Buses cannot get around neighborhoods that haven't been plowed well or that are full or ice! When you see kids at the mall, their parents drove them in their 4-wheel drive vechiles! School buses do not have 4-wheel drive and it would be a tradgey if someone's child was killed or injuried because of the morons on here wanting them to be in school. Drive down coulborn mill road and look at the neighborhoods where the buses have to go, maybe then you people would understand!

  56. Maybe on a day like today (Tues) it should be the parents responsibility to get their kids to a "clear" road for the bus to pick up.
    If they would put this plan in place as a "snow emergency plan" then everyone would know what the expectations are.
    At that time, if your child misses school it would be an unexcused absence.
    All of the main roads are clear today. A one or two hour delay is all that would have been needed.
    It's ridiculous anyway to see the buses stopping at 8 houses within a 1/4 mile of each other anyway.
    When I was in school, students from certain distances apart met at one central spot. All these additional stops just cost more money.
    The kids nowadays are simply too lazy to walk a block or so to another stop and their parents continue to allow them to be lazy. The exercise would be good for them and for some, it would be the only exercise the kid gets in a days time!

  57. It is not just that the streets are a mess...the school lots are not ready. The company that plows the schools were told they only get a certain amount of money per snow fall. So, they did the schools they could and stopped when the money ran out. The grounds people for the school system are not allowed to work anymore than their 8 hours a day. The supervisor of grounds asked if he could rent a piece of equipment they needed to finish the schools....he was told no...there isn't enough money! There is money to go to Hooters and such...HUH??

  58. Heard more snow tonight.So,school might be closed again.My kids go to Year Around School at Delmar.I think if the roads are bad.School should be closed.It better than trying to go out and have a crash or run off the road trying to get them to school.I would take make up days.


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