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Monday, February 01, 2010

O’Malley Locks Out Conservative Media

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley Like his pal Barack Obama, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley pledged to run the most transparent administration in history.  Well, we all saw those health care negotiations on C-SPAN – right?  Now the O’Governor is keeping media outlets that don’t tow the party line from attending State House press conferences. Oh yeah – WE THE PEOPLE are excluded as well.

As O'Malley's poll numbers have dropped over the past year, the Governor's press office has excluded media and citizens from press conferences in the Governor's Reception Room. They have also established new barriers for obtaining press credentials for the State House press corps.

Reporter Hassan Giordano of the Baltimore Independent Examiner describes his frustration with the Governor's interference of an open and transparent government in Maryland and, specifically, the lack of access to the Governor unless you are one of the few favored media representatives known to write or produce pro-Administration pieces:

"While certain members of the Press, including myself, have been stalled and consistently delayed our press credentials, due to some new process the O'Malley administration has put in place, many are questioning why now? As if not already known as the liberal oppressor of all things conservative, Governor O'Malley is now playing games with certain reporter's credentials, who are too closely tied to conservative publications."

Maryland voters shouldn’t be surprised.  Sunlight has always been considered a powerful disinfectant.  When you are playing fast and loose with the taxpayers’ dollars, as O’Malley has been doing for three years, sunlight is the last thing you want.

What is really depressing is that the liberal Maryland media is putting up with this.

H/T:  Maryland Senate Republican Caucus

from Delmarva Dealings


  1. Ask Louise Smith about sunshine and transparency. What a monumental disappointment she is. You should have heard her back peddling about the $1.8 million she wants to spend ont he Bricks to develop affordable housing at the meeting last week. She apparently signed the contract without council knowledge let alone a vote.

  2. Rick falls into this catagory also, SPEND SPEND SPEND. Transparency, Raise taxes and spend money Government doesn't have on "I want projects", is there a pattern here with the Democrats / Liberals who are in power from the President down to Local Governments?

  3. 5:12 and 5:38- You people make me SICK. how dare you call yourselves Republicans! A real conservative would know better.

  4. Why is there any question?

    Dump Obama and those following him.

  5. Louise SMith is a Repooblican.

    Rick Pollitt is a Demoocrat.

    Get the picture?

  6. 5;46

    W T F are you trying to say

  7. 5:46 the Liberal. You have never heard or read my comments where I have stated I am with any party. I am a common sense person stating facts and open minded people realize that. This sounds like JR or JT commenting again.

  8. anonymous 9:10, you're probably right. They have been bombarding me with comment. Some I have let through just so every one can see what kind of Idiots they are. If I published all their nonsense comments we'd have 800 comments published per day. If that doesn't tell you how sick in the head they are, well, I don't know what to tell you then.


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