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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wicomico County Schools Closed Thursday

"Thursday, February 11th : Schools Closed, 2 hour delay for central staff."


  1. Please people watch your own kids and do not expect your neighbors to watch your brats! Yes, you know who I'm talking about, all the greedy pukes who are too cheap to pay daycare and dump their kids on whatever neighbor will watch them.

  2. Why , It is blue skies and 80 degrees on the Westside of town . Well I can dream anyway right?

  3. I haven't seen any more information on the flooding at Bennett. what's going on with that? How are the kids going to go back there?

  4. OOHH! They closed before Somerset county,this time. lol

  5. Delaware is already closed Friday too

  6. 2 hour delay for staff? It will probably be worse tomorrow morning than it is now!

  7. Can we look forward to your news show 2nite????

  8. I'm only a teacher, but I'll make the call right now. No school on Friday either! Just make the call now and I'll see you all on Tuesday the 16th. No way they get all this cleaned up by Friday morning.

  9. I think all the staff should call out and take a "sick" day, I am sure all the staff is "sick" of the snow:)

  10. I think someone at the BOE is missing a few bricks of a full load. They expect their employees to chance driving in this mess.

  11. this crap with no school is stupid.. they had no school on monday and tuesday and im sorry i had no problems getting anywhere those 2 days.. back when iwent to school in NJ if the school superintendant could make it to work we had school

  12. I agree w/4:05 and 4:11!
    Cory, you seem to forget the school parking lots need to be cleared, the back roads in the rural areas of the county have not seen a snow plow, and many people do not have power so that may include the schools too. Many teachers commute from other counties too. As a parent, I'd much rather be safe than sorry when some kid has a school bus slide into them and run over and kill them at the bus stop! We are in an area that rarely gets snow and when we do it is not significant accumulations. We got a freakin' blizzard!

  13. Sophia Harmom of West SalisburyFebruary 11, 2010 at 11:34 AM

    All schools should be open. Some parents and children would like to have a warm place to go when they have no electric at home. The staff that are able to show up would be paid extra.No formal instruction would be provided but the cafeteria,library,computer room, and gym would be nice places for students to safely entertain themselves.


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