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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A Recent Letter To Rick Pollitt

"Really Sir,

What are you thinking? I've written in the past to both the mayor and the governor about they're policy of buying land or starting unnecessary projects just because they can get the money from other coffers. It is still Our tax dollars being waisted. In a time when State & County employees are taking pay cuts, of which some are on the verge of Foreclosure or bankrupsy, government waste should not even have crossed your mind. That lot has been empty for years, it can stay that way until after this crisis is over, then you can go ahead and justify it. At this time we don't need to see our elected officials wasting our money. If this goes through, Expect to find yourself in a heated election, real soon.

I am sure that Salisbury News will remind everyone, during your next campaign, what a wastefull spender you were.

I hope you take my advice."

Tom Sawyer


  1. Totally disagree with this letter. This is short sighted ness. The purchase of the lot is an investment in the future. It aides us in bringing $'s into the county. This Open Space money will be spent. If not in this county, then in another county. The owners of the lot has allowed the county to use the space free. It's my understanding they will begin to charge the county a monthly fee. Without the purchase of these lots the county will pay big time.

  2. SAWYER==You have that correct.Salisbury News Blogspot is gonna be all over Pollitt,Smith,Comegys and the likes. They are horrible people for the taxpayers in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  3. What does Huckleberry Finn think about this?

  4. Absolutely need to look to the future for the prosperity of the the county. So, wait until the market is back up and then pay twice more. A study has to be done and the best decision has to be made.

  5. If they owners of the lot want to charge us to use it then we need to charge them to haul away the pile of ground buildings they've left there and they taxes they haven't paid.

  6. Talk with the people in our county who have been fired/reduced salaries how they feel about buying anything. They would like to have the money back that was taken from them..or use the money for roads whicdh we all use.

  7. I applaud the individual for taking the time to write and express himself, but he really should have someone proof read his letters before sending them off to officials he's trying to influence.


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