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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

County Council Meeting LIVE

In a packed house at the GOB, the County Council is reviewing a Power Point presentation. Public comment will follow. I will continue to update this Post as things progress.

Council wants to hold off any votes until the next meeting so the public has more time to review the information.

The Power Point is explaining how the Civic Center is such a gem to our community.

The Committee recommended the purchase of additional land for the Civic Center. They're discussing the lack of parking at the Civic Center.

$560,000.00 at risk if they lose the deal on the parking lot. Man, this is a complete crock. They're showing how much the County would lose if they don't buy the lot. I wonder how they've survived all these years.

They have admitted it will cost $330,000.00 per acre through Open Space oney from the State. NOT TRUE.

The State is offering $705,000.00 in hand for the purchase. They conveniently forgot who will pay the balance and are claiming they'll lose a lot of business from surrounding municipalities.

John Palmer, President of Voice is now speaking. John would have liked to see this meeting held at night so the public could attend. Mr. Pollitt claimed this open space money cannot be used for anything else. John is expressing how that is absolutely incorrect. They can divert that money to the roads division. O'Malley even agreed it was a great idea. Just because information is printed in the paper doesn't mean its true. John is concerned about liability. Crossing the road, lighting, the County will have more liability than what they're expressing.

They're going to have to remove the asphalt and they replacing it, adding 50% green space. Has there been any discussion as to what it will cost the taxpayers to "improve" the property, above and beyond the purchase price?

John Pick is now speaking for the Mayor. The Mayor supports the purchase. Blah, Blah, Blah, democrats supporting democrats.

Joe Shiller, (resident) is 100% in favor of the purchase and supports Rick Pollitt's Letter to the Editor.

Barbara Furbush is now speaking representing the Salisbury Kennel Club. They truly do use that space for Dog Show and could in fact lose all of their business if they cannot expand the parking lot and supports the purchase. This is one event I'd personally have to agree with.

One resident stated, if you want to add additional fees to each ticket sale to pay for the lot, good. Until then, these people from the Kennel Club Show are mainly coming in from out of state not paying the taxes to purchase the property.

The Hotel/Motel Association supports the purchase. Aren't these the same people that represent all of those Hotels/Motels that aren't able to pay their County/City taxes?

Getting back to the Salisbury Kennel Club above, Folks, I have to be fair and add, the Kennel Club had quite a reduction in traffic this past year. They suffered paying INCREASES the County charged them for leasing the Civic Center as well as their services, especially the Hospitality Suite. Now add a few million dollars to their overhead. I wonder if anyone will survive renting that space anyway?

Julie Brewington is now speaking, upset about the special interest groups there supporting this purchase. She is also upset with this not being a night time meeting. Our state is $2 billion in debt right now. This is one solution but it is not the only solution, (Very True Julie)

GA Harrison: Firmly against the purchase. We could charge for parking, yet Mr. Politt refuses to entertain such a proposal. I'll let GA express his opinion later.

Zia's is now speaking admitting they are one of the "special interests." He's claiming if they don't purchase the property his people could lose their jobs. Give me a freakin break. Another Government Business forcing taxpayers to spend money to support another local business to survive. I don't eat at Zia's because the food sucks. Mind you, I'm an Italian from the Bronx and grew up on REAL Italian food. You lost my business after the first time I walked into that place. Explain that Sir. Now he just said, "you have to spend money to make money." So WE need to spend our taxpayer money to make YOU money. UNBELIEVABLE!

Mary Ashonte, (sp?) is now speaking. She does support purchasing the land. She believes we'll make our money back. Does this woman just like to hear herself speak? She delivered no facts. She simply said that if you spend the money you'll make it back. OK Mary, do tell us why we should BELIEVE you, just because you say it? How much money has the Civic Center made for the taxpayers so far!

One gentleman is talking about maximizing tourism dollars. Does everyone realize the economy sucks right now. Granted, I'm not saying this is the wrong thing to do but buying land with false money doesn't work for me. That is, unless you have a printing press like Obama does.

Public Comment has closed.


  1. I a way, I hope this dufus deal is done because it could be the undoing of Pollitt as the County Exec in the election later this year.

  2. True fiscal conservatives don't subsidize poodle palaces, Joe!

    That dog won't hunt.

  3. The old gal said her piece.

  4. Millions for police but not one cent for poodles!

  5. UGH!! Ed Urban just came on.

    Hold on I just got a bad case of DIARRHEA!!!

  6. Keep up the good work for those of us who can't get Pac 14. Thanks.

  7. Joe:

    Thank you for doing this post. I wanted to speak there today but could not be at a weekday meeting -- due to my work schedule.

    Let's hope that Joe Holloway and some others on the Council will make Pollitt and his pal Mackes negotiate to get at least 10-12 acres for all that money they want to throw at the mall owner. They should have done that already, but it's not too late to do the right thing with public funds taken from taxpayers.

  8. I think they should keep the old civic center going like it is for long enough to build and fund a new state of the art energy efficient center. Use this money as a down payment for property by the stadium. Clause in all American workers and local companies on the building of the new center. Let the developer do whatever property that fits on the old mall site. This would take years to achieve, design and fund. Maybe this economy will be swinging back by then.

  9. Zia's is worst than fast food.. absolutely horrible. Stay away

  10. How does Zias benefit from this?

  11. Anon 12:11. I totally agree. Thanks Joe. Nice to know what's going on & what they're trying to do with OUR money.

  12. From someone who did not grow up in the Bronx. Zia's has the best Italian food in Salisbury! Not being from the Bronx I may not be qualified to make that statement!

  13. If the Boobas brothers think that parking lot is so important for Zia's, then they should kick in $25,000 more for the cost.

    PS -- beware Greeks bearing gifts!

  14. The guy from Zias. How will he loose business because we dont spend money on a parking lot..are customeres going to park there for overflow when his restaurant lot is full Stupid is as stupid does. If he would act more like a business owner and treat his customers and employees he would have a better business. I to ate there when he opened I had enough.

  15. It is clear that Pollitt called on his tax & spend cohorts -- Schiller, Ireton (via Pick), Ashanti, etc. to speak in favor of this scam on the public. T guess that Phil Tilghman and Tony Sarbanes are sick or snowed in, and Norm Conway is in Annapolis.

  16. I suggest you get a handle on what tourism does for Wicomico county in terms of jobs and contribution to the state and county budget.

    Also, you made a very personal and general comment about "those that cant pay their taxes" - the Hotel / Motel association is comprised of a number of very ethical and active business people in the Salisbury area. Many who contribute in terms of money and time/energy -far more than most commenting here. It isnt wise to generalize.

    To improve and grow properly and responsibily, change has to happen.

  17. anonymous 12:49, this is NOT the time to "improve or grow" ANYWHERE in the United States.

    As for us getting a handle on what tourism does for the local economy, while so many others suffer during this time, perhaps you should learn what getting a handle on reality trule means.

    By the way, be sure to be here at 1:30 so you can see how "I" do in fact have a handle on your Industry and our local economy.

  18. Think bigger. Five acres of parking to the old girl is like putting a band-aide on a shot-gun wound. Shes lived her time and time has passed her by.

  19. The State has $705,000 in hand. The current assessment value is approx. $645,000 ($43,000 per acre), Eminnent Domain looks fantastic now doesn't it? That leaves $60,000 savings of State, (Tax Payer dollars), money. Subtract the cost of repairing the surface and lighting and you will receive even greater savings to the Tax Payer. Reinstitute the past taxes and penalties, then it would very close to free for the Tax Payer because they will never pay these fees anyway. ECONOMICS 101. The only way to gain my support.

  20. They wont do Eminnent Domain nor pay fair market value because some of the players are getting a fat kick back. And purposely hold meetings the public cant attend, in order to push their shady deals threw. They spend like spoiled teens. I say take their allowance away till they learn! Stop paying taxes altogether! ViVA La Boston Tea Party!!! They cant lock us all up!

  21. Well the dog and pony shows can go to Harrington Fair Grounds, Harrington would love that. How would the motel/hotels and the county tax revenue like that? What a waste of the county council's time. Just get on with it. The Civic Center needs this property for parking. If you take the time to go TO the Civic Center, drive around the back as well as go inside as we were invited to do, you will see that the parking lot around back has been reduced in size for the new storage building that was LONG OVERDUE. Inside, there is less available space due to the new added kitchen which was long overdue as well. DID anyone on this blog stop and think for just one minute where would we go if a disaster struck in Salisbury? We would go to the Civic Center. Without it there is No place to go. There is no place to feed a very large group of people in a disaster. We need to preserve what we have and by increasing that 5 acres along with the newer amenities at the CC. we will survive this. Other facts that people who stick their head in the sand do not know that we have NO new doctors coming to town, some are leaving, no new industry coming to town, MORE leaving, pretty soon it will just be the few old folks left and the County Council sucking their thumbs saying where did we screw up!!! DUH! The money has been appropriated... Oh, then there is Worcester County they seem to be doing pretty darn good with their Civic Center and taking more of our business. Wicomico County Council JUST DO IT!

  22. 1:43-

    That stuff ypo say is not a valid reason to pay 3 times more than the fair price for the land.

  23. From one Italian to Another I have to agree. Zia's food is so bad we should seek an injuction to force them to stop calling it Italian.

  24. Recreation and tourism are NOT core functions of government.
    Would it be possible to 'privatize' (as in- sell)the civic center to a private company and let them take it over? Let them fight with Natelson, et al over the parking?
    I know.. many people just had a stroke over what I'm saying. But it's time to get in touch with reality.
    Times are tough. It's time to start thinking DIFFERENTLY. You cannot just keep doing the same thing you've always done, and just keep piling more on top of the old.
    If a business or a family did what the county (and most other govts) do, they'd be bankrupt. You can't keep on spending just because you think it is something we might need.
    Do just like the rest of us-- make do with what you have, and STOP doing things you should not be doing.
    If the civic center is such a valuable asset, I'm sure a private party could make it shine. But the county needs to quit throwing money at it.

  25. Buy the entire lot for what it's worth. Use it as is for now for the extra parking. Build a new civic center later on the new lot when the economy improves. Bring back school proms, graduations, etc., and lower prices to draw more users.

  26. 2:18 --

    Some call it Greco-Italiano food.

  27. Listened to Mr Hollaway on the Bill Reddish show this morning.One of the few on the council with common sense.

  28. 1:43, if we have an emergency, people will go to the schools.

    And Mayor Ireton lost my vote for the next time around.

    Lesser of two evils, but not any more.

  29. 2:28pm has a good point about the privatization of the civic center.

    Though, in terms of Dollars - tourism is a huge contributor to a State or County budget. Which, at least places it at center. I know what you mean though and partially agree.

    Now as to the comment made to me by Joe:

    Joe said: “This is NOT the time to "improve or grow" ANYWHERE in the United States”.

    Really? What a negative viewpoint. - When is it not a good time to improve? Wow. I am not sure how to respond to that statement. I believe it is time to improve EVERYWHERE in the United States.

    What I said was = “To improve and grow properly and responsibly, change has to happen.” Your comment doesn’t even fit in context with what I said. You just fired off a shot. I can’t imagine anyone disputing that comment.

    I am surprised; I thought you were a proponent of change and improvement. My mistake.

    To clarify “as for us getting a handle on what tourism does for the local economy” I said you - You should get a handle. I simply invited you to be more knowledgeable about what you are spouting about.

    And what does your next statement even mean “while so many others suffer during this time?” Tourism comprises of many entities from which evolves a variety of jobs; not isolated to - hotels, advertising, sales, restaurants, gas stations, shops (mall, novelty, etc), bakeries, antique stores, art galleries, ZOO, museums, why even Wal-Mart . Your parks are enhanced; children have better programs. Everything is connected and helps to improve a community. So, I have no idea what you mean. If those things failed, how many more would be out of work?
    Tourism is a leading contributor to millions of service related industry jobs.

    As far as your 1:30pm – The Thrift Inn doesn’t even count, but then you probably knew that already. I am sure everyone shares the same enthusiasm there and most acknowledge the Thrift Inn was not a tourism partner. once more a resut of generalization.

  30. where does the money the cc makes go? do we even know?


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