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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Hoekstra: Obama Didn't Consult With GOP On Terror Intel

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., issued the following statement on Sunday concerning statements by White House Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan on "Meet the Press."

"Can anyone take seriously the White House's assertion that it consulted with Republicans when President Obama didn't even consult his own Director of National Intelligence, FBI Director or Homeland Security Secretary concerning Abdulmutallab? Anyone who knows my record and the leadership of Republicans on national security issues knows that we have not been shy about expressing our thoughts and strategies with the administration.

"The mishandling of this case is the Obama administration's failure, and they have no one to blame but themselves. President Obama failed to respond after the terrorist attack at Fort Hood, and failed to respond immediately after the terrorist attack in Detroit.

"Instead of lashing out politically and attempting to deflect blame, Obama and his advisers need to settle on a coherent and rational national security strategy to help secure our homeland.


Hoekstra had a brief, non-secure conversation with Brennan. Brennan only informed him that Abdulmutallab had severe burns and was being treated.

Contrary to what he attempts to imply, Brennan at no time informed Hoekstra that Abdulmutallab had been Mirandized nor did he seek Hoekstra's consultation or provide any sort of meaningful briefing. The faulty decision to Mirandize Abdulmuttalab was the Obama administration’s, and its decision alone.



  1. I am not surprised by this post; the current administration lives in a dream world!

  2. Is anyone surprised?

  3. And we are supposed to believe this guy because...?

  4. Completely and totally false. Hoekstra is a grand standing a-hole intent on destroying the President, and he will lie if he has to.

  5. 12:22,

    We could change a few words in your statement and it would be even more true

    Obama is a grand standing a-hole intent on destroying the United States, and he will lie if he has to.

  6. 3:49.

    Way to steal ideas like the rest of your party and try to pass them off as your own.


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