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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Another Wonderful Delmar Story, Actually, Two

"Hi Joe

I am writing to to telling you that there is a boy(sorry young MAN around 8 or 9 yrs old) that was plowing a driveway for a couple in delmar del on brittingham rd. I was heading to my father house to give a hand on shoveling the snow for him when I pulled up I notice that his driveway was cover in about two and half feet of snow drifts. I realized that my four wheel drive would probably not make it, so down the street I saw someone using a bocat plowing a driveway and drove down there to ask if he would mind plowing my father driveway. I realized it was this young man operating the bobcat. When I asked how much he said nothing. He came down to do his driveway. In mean while my wife ask how much he was charging I said nothing but lets give him something anyway. When he was done I walked up to him to give him money, he told me no thanks we dont charge on Sunday.I told him to come back on Monday then to get your money, he said no. I was so amazed that a young man at his age helping his neighbor out. Kudos to this kid and his parents for raising a fine young man."

Editors Note: Have we started something refreshing? Are we coming back as Americans? Folks, if your neighbors driveway and sidewalks aren't clear, lend a helping hand. As my old New York friends used to say, "It Can't Hurt."

Bruce Hunter and I spent our entire day today helping those in need. In fact, we'll be out all day tomorrow getting to the rest of the people who have requested help. To this young man and especially his Parents, God Bless you. The apple will not fall far from the tree and clearly this young man has been raised by some excellent parents.

So everyone knows as well. After a VERY long day today I came home to Delmar to find my own driveway plowed. I have no idea who this individual is but from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! My back also thanks you! Spread the love Folks.


  1. My husband started to shovel ours and made a good dent in it when someone showed up. We did pay him and didn't mind doing it. There are so many out of work who knows if this person was one of them. KUDOS to all the people that are helping out at no charge as well.

  2. The Eastern Shore ROCKS!

  3. Delmar can be great. However to whomever took our snow shovel, if you had of asked we would have let you use it. Please bring it back, we need to finish our driveway and get the remaining snow so we can have a drive way wide enough to open up our car doors. Why didn't you just ask......
    204 E Elizabeth St

  4. Great story. I saw many neighbors helping neighbors today.

    One of the things that makes the shore a great place to call home.

  5. My husband cannot shovel or lift anything so I tried to keep up on the walkway and driveway throughout the snow. I knew today my neighbor, who is elderly and has a bad back, would be out trying to get his drive clear so I wanted to get out there and help him. However, before I even woke up this morning he had already shoveled nearly all of his drive and a walking path. When I went over to offer assistance he declined it and said it keeps him young!

    The point of this post is even some of the people we think "need" us really don't! My neighbor is one hell of a guy and I hope and pray I am as strong willed as he is when I am 67!

  6. What in the world is on fire in Delmar? They just called out 4 other FDs for tankers.

  7. In Fruitland nobody does nothin for free and I dont' expect it.

    I work for a non-profit in Salisbury and maybe I can get to work tomorrow...the roads are not bad as I had expected though....

  8. Joe, up here in Felton where I live our street NEVER gets plowed so we get stuck. Today, about 8 of us banded together and did enough of the street AFTER doing our driveways. It was a good time "out in the sun". There is still hope for this country.

  9. That same young man plowed our really, really long driveway and of course he wouldn't take any money for it. It really is great to live in Delmar.

  10. Finally people are finding the trait of unselfiness. I for one am glad to see everyone helping those who need help. It has always been that way here but it seems to be growing. Thank you to all who have helped!

  11. There still are nice people out there! My 14 year old cousin got up at 8 am to shovel my elderly neighbor out.

  12. I tried to dig my 4wd out, and thank goodness my neighbors came over and did the project for me. Being a single women with medical problems, I am grateful for such men. Chivalry does still exist!!

  13. I believe alot of hearts melted during the Christmas Season for our Christmas Angel. Go Eastern Shore!

  14. Obama doesnt belong here.


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