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Sunday, January 17, 2010

SB 279


I will give you the opportunity, before I make my decision, to explain why you voted for this bill instead of against it with your fellow Republicans. Did you think the Eastern Shore wouldn't here about it? (But then we are the Out House of Maryland).

I will also let you know that at the end of Robert Leroy "Bob" Ehrlich1st year I told him that he needed to change his head, we don't need moderates in this state, or he would not have a 2nd term (actually I told him I would rather see a Kennedy (which I hate) in his seat and would work hard to get him out. If he didn't).
Well, You see what happened. ( Thank you God for not letting Katherine run)

Now Gentlemen, if you do review this and find that you were in error, I will except that, but I WILL be watching you. Time is a neat thing, I can Waite for the next Election, and if your response or lack of response does not suite me. Your time in office is done.

Thank you for your time. And thank you Salisbury News, A true Fox Affiliate, for Not letting this get by us.

Tom Sawyer


  1. what kind of moron thinks that if he doesn't like someone's vote their time in office is done? I think everyone gets to vote, and if I ever hear anymore of your opinions I will vote the opposite of you to cancel out your dumb opinions, so guess what, your vote doesn't count because of me.

  2. If this idiot votes then may the good lord help us all.

  3. 9:09
    Do you see the irony in your comment? You dont like someones opinion so you will vote against them. Isn't that what Tom Sawyer is doing? Yet you bash him for it.

    HA! word verification is rudeful

  4. Thanks 9:09
    couldnt have said it better.
    Now its 2to1.

  5. Not really a good way to determine how to vote 9:09. I do agree with the fact that Republicans need to be conservative and not moderate. Trying to please both sides never works. If you want to be a conservative, be a conservative, if not be a liberal, you can't be both and moderate doesn't work for anyone.

  6. lol 9:09!

    I support the death penalty but believe the bill does provide good stop gaps to help protect the innocent.

    Why do you guys think that no death penalty= criminals walking away free?
    Put him in there and make him protect his booty from Bubba for the next 60 years until God decides to send him home.

  7. "Tom Sawyer" is no writer. Mark Twain, he ain't. Can't spell, but dang, he sure thinks he has a opinion. Lack of writing skill diminishes anything he has to say. And Ms. Townsend did run, but lost in the primaries.

  8. "Now Gentlemen", this moron must live way in the back country, because he isn't even aware that women can also vote.

  9. No irony, I am not of the belief that my vote alone determines an election, which why I said what I said. This dud obviously believes that everyone agrees with his extremist views. I like the irony of people who don't know what irony means calling something irony.

  10. 11:05 - So if you're not 100% conservative or 100% liberal, your opinions have no place?

    Actually, that sounds like the litmus test the Republicans are trying to apply, doesn't it? Guess you'd better follow the party line ALL THE TIME, or you, too, may find yourself with no voice.

  11. Tom Sawyer,
    I told you before to mind your own business. Here you are again making a fool out of yourself.

  12. Moderate means you have principals but you do use some common sense and take an objective look at the facts BEFORE making a decision.

  13. there are way more guilty found guilty than innocents found guilty.
    Waaay, more.

  14. actually this country would benefit greatly from more moderates... heck a third party!

    Tom Sawyer is backwash.


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