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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sarah Foxwell Wakes Up A Community


In light of all of recent events of little Sarah, I thought I'd share a story with you. Something that "could" have been potentially dangerous for me and my son had my friend and I not thought to do a little investigating of this.

I'm a professional single mother and dating at 40 is a nightmare. So out of curiosity, I recently responded to a craigslist personal ad, something I've NEVER done before...but the profile/ad for this particular guy seemed genuine, real, nice...too good to be true...and it was. I'm sending you the link to his ad...

I thank God did NOT share ANY personal information with him, only saying he sounded interesting and we 'seemed' to have a lot of commonalities. Anyway, he responded back to me (via email at 1:53am) using his personal email address and real name, Walter Frick. So being the inquisitive people that we are, my friend and I pulled up his MD court case search file.....here's the link...http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/inquiry/inquirySearch.jis .....check out in particular case #17K06006168. Wow...well, that only had me dig a little further to the MD sex offenders registry and there he was.... http://www.dpscs.state.md.us/sorSearch/search.do?searchType=detail&anchor=false&id=3127780

I want to thank you, and your diligence for making all of us more aware of how these predators are among us in so many different ways and we don't even know it. I was a repeated victim of abuse (sexual and otherwise) at the hands of my mother's boyfriends as a child, and I know that is something I would never want my child (or any other for that matter) to EVER endure. I can only imagine the nightmare that I may have inadvertently invited into my life.

My question is....he was given 25 years for his conviction, 16 years suspended, and was to serve 6. This was in 2006...HOW is he out of jail in 2009 (now 2010)????? This is crazy!! Laws have got to change....I can only hope he's not preying on other women with kids to get at them.

I am contacting craigslist to let them know this information as well, but I wanted to share this story with you. Oh...and can you please NOT share my name, for obvious reasons, I want to remain anonymous.

Thank you for all you do for our community's kids....I, for one, am certainly a grateful parent.


  1. this is not only a craiglist alert, it's a sex offender unit alert so they can monitor what he's doing and who's he's contacting and meeting. this is a guy to be watched! i'm so glad you didn't get caught up with this guy. Smart cookie for searching further!

  2. You can thank your liberal lawyers and judges for stories like this. They are more interested in protecting the rights of predators than protecting the public. That's what makes them rich.

  3. Now all the sex offenders will be complaining that their rights have been discriminated. I think its great that this type of information is out there, especially for single women like myself who are at time vulnerable, thinking that they sound sincere in their profile , etc etc come to find out they have a criminal record a mile long or are on the sex offender registry. This lady needs to be commended for sharing this story. Too bad the Daily Crimes would probably not print something like this so more women would be on the alert!

  4. Jillb,
    I'm the woman that wrote this. Is it appropriate for me to let the sex offenders' registry know of this encounter? I wasn't sure since he really hasn't 'technically' broken any laws at this point? It's all confusing & overwhelming...how far should/can I take this? I want women to know about him, so they can protect their kids; but am 'ignorant' (in the true sense of the word) on exactly what I'm able to do....
    I got another email from him this morning, wanting to meet for coffee/drinks. Of course I'm ignoring it/him & not replying.
    Any advice, from anyone with any insight is greatly
    appreciated.... Thanks!

  5. Did anybody notice in the court record that Frank Kratovil's firm represented this scumbag?
    I guess he had to make a living somehow.. :-)
    Thanks for posting this, Joe. This lady is SMART.
    The very best statement made here-- what is this dude doing back on the street??!

  6. Let me tell you my story. I had a similar experience on Match.com. I had a gentleman hit me with an email and one of his first questions was about my children. He did not have a pic up at first. Then he put it up after a week. The amazing thing was that when I saw his pic it looked so familiar. As I laid in bed thinking, I realized that he was a pedophile that lived in the apartments of where my girlfriend lived. I had helped her search her surrounding areas after she had moved into the complex because she was scared to let her granddaughter play on the playground. Through this search we had found this guy in the next apartment. She moved out immediately although she had to forgo her security deposit. When she notified the office, they were all so nonchallient about it all. I found it ironic that he hit my match account and I had previously found him out. I notified match immediately. The world is loaded of these guys. I commend this mother for doing her due diligence.

  7. I just looked him up his laywer was FRANK KRATIVIL sound familiar.Also he owns a marina service in graysonville!

  8. Thank you for sharing this story as a LEO, I can tell you this happens more often than people realize. If I may make a suggestion, contact your local Child Advocacy Unit,and or your Missing and Exploited Unit they have a program through the Federal Govt and Special units that have contacts with all these sights Craigslist, FB, Myspace...etc. They monitor this behavior and I strongly urge you to make them aware of your findings especially with the investigative work you already did on your own. My hat is tipped to you for thinking ahead and protecting your family.

  9. Notice the lawyer he had...Frank Kratovil?

  10. To answer the question of why he is already out when receiving a 6 year sentence:
    In the state of Maryland, a prisoner who maintains a record of good behavior may be eligible for parole after serving 1/3 of the sentence.
    I.e. in this case, he was sentenced to 6 years but was apparently released after 2 (or close to it).

  11. First of all, Frank Kratovil did not represent him, he was the State's Attorney that prosecuted him. It is imperative that before posting comments, you actually have all of the facts, which it appears you don't.

    What you read in black in white does not always represent the facts, sometimes, it is only the outer layer, and without being privvy to the knowledge, you have no idea what really happened.

    One can not assume that because he was convicted of a Sexual Offense of a Minor, that he is a predator. Not all sex offenders are predators and should not be lumped into one pile. If that were the case, the FBI would not hire profilers.

    While what he did was wrong, if he you knew anything about the case or him, you would know that no one else is in danger of him and he would not risk 19 years of his life.

    As an FYI, he actually served 3 years and almost 4 months of his 6 year sentence and he was not eligible for parole until he served a minimum of 50% of his time. Once again, the facts were misrepresented.

    While blogs are a great way to share information, one should be careful to only share validated facts, so as not to cause unnecessary concern amongst its' readers.

    I am in agreement that there are predators out there, but he is not one of them!

  12. i would contact the sex offender unit and tell them of your experience so they can monitor what he is doing online. yes, no laws broken, but do we have to have a rape or murder in order to watch what he's doing? i think they'd appreciate your information. contact them, give him his craiglists info and see what happens and what they say. what do you have to lose? maybe you'll help someone who may suffer a worse fate than you! i know i've contacted them with certain info and they were on it! just do it!

  13. Anon 11:59am....interesting the guy indicated in this story is a yacht salesman and Kratovil owns a marina in the same town?!? All seem a bit too coincidental to me....hmmm?!?

  14. If I were to become single,I honestly would forgo dating until my child was grown because the world is just full of these creeps!
    Kudos to you for having the wisdom and foresight to check this guy out!

  15. Seems like to me if you would contact the FBI, they have people that monitor scumbags like this. At least contact some police agency, so they can advise you.

  16. The Craig;s list entry has been deleted.

  17. Do you people NOT know how to read a case file? Frank Kratovil was not the attorney for the sex offender.

    Frank Kratovil was the attorney for the RELATED persons...who were the arresting officers! Meaning Frank Kratovil was the PROSECUTOR!

    Frank Kratovil got a good sentence for the scumbag, but the judge reduced it and the corrections system said Frick was a good boy and let him out early.

    In your sick and stupid political feeding frenzy, you won't even give a good prosecutor the credit he deserves.

    Read carefully before you go damaging a good man's reputation. You owe Frank Kratovil an apology. He did HIS job!

  18. Forgot to mention, the State of Maryland was a "related person" and a Plaintiff -- Kratovil was a Prosecutor for the State.

    Got it now?

  19. I would call Sheriff Lewis..he can give good directions of who else to call.

  20. Anon 1:09....Would you want your sister, your niece, or better yet, your ex-wife(mother of your children)...dating this guy?? My guess is NO...Get over yourself and see how this could've freaked this woman out and realize that regardless of "exactly what happened" it was obviously bad enough to give him a 25 yr sentence so there certainly was "something serious enough" for the judge to warrant that sentence!

  21. does anyone know the site for Delaware court cases?


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