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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Tea Party Is Now The Biggest Party

In a recent Poll, the Tea Party is now the largest Party out there, bigger than the Democratic and Republican Party. In a Presidential Poll by MSNBC, Obama's approval rating has now dropped below 50%.

Democrats can rag on the Tea Party till their blue in the face, Democrats are now the underdog.


  1. The truth will set you free , down with the socialist democrates.

  2. Maybe we'll get some 'real' candidates to run for offices everywhere - so we can get our country back!

  3. On Dec. 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party took place as American colonists boarded a British ship and dumped more than 300 chests of tea overboard to protest tea taxes.....

  4. If we have become the biggest party, then our candidate would actually stand a chance of winning an election! (as opposed to previous elections where libertarians and green party votes would be considered as wasted)

  5. Full of crap. We'll see when most of the so-called "Tea Party" votes straight Republican ticket in next year's election. The so-called tea party is nothing more than an extension of the Republican party and people who hate anything Obama

  6. I hope you guys actually believe this. Works for me!!! Obama 2012

  7. 9:37 If your a Patriot then of course you hate Obama's policies he's a Socialist !

  8. If the TEA Party is a party, then so is Al-Queda. Both are decentralized radical groups that want to destroy the centrist mainstream way of life.

  9. 10:54 That has to be the dumbest comment I've read on here . What part of the Tea party movement is radical ? you are laughable !

  10. i find it hilarious that no one got what teabagging means in modern culture. so to have a ton of conservatives talk about teabagging the government, hysterical.

  11. 5:50 I got it and it is hilarious. Maybe you should enlighten the masses :)

    With one exception , I voted for all Republican candidates. Next time there will probably be no exceptions. I will need to wait and make informed voting decisions when the time comes. I am a registered Democrat but plan to change that as the older I get the more I disagree with their view of things.

    I am a fan of the Tea Party movement because it does represent folks who are tired of the BS and want to turn our country around before we get too far gone. I say term limits for all of Congress. They will not have to worry about being career politicians at the National level and they can concentrate on making the right decisions for the right reasons. Only problem...they would have to draft the legislation and vote it through to make this happen.


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