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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Could This Be The Reason Behind The Daily Times Bias?

A reader has provided this clip from a chatroll on another blog. Looks like they don't know the correct setting for their local time zone. This could explain why the Daily Times shows so much bias when it comes to certain people in this town.

What is the editors name at the Daily Times with the initials JC?


  1. Explains why the other blog gets the same info leaked to the DT before other news sources and the council.

  2. You can tell by the time that he doesn't have a job so he has time to chat.

  3. Sorry dude, no JC in that dept. Why work on the Sunday Ed's on Thursday?

  4. Could it be Joe Carmeans? This is a link to the DT staff directory:


  5. Think you ticked off the Grinch. Now he's going after Mike Lewis pretty hard. I'm finding it very hard to understand how he can defend Webster's actions at this stage of the game!?!?

  6. 11:36, you're finding it hard to understand because you're thinking logically, and "logical" is one word that has NEVER applied to anything Grinch does or says. He's the lackey boy for Webster, Bubba, Barrie, et al. That's the logic behind his actions.

  7. Joe, yep....11:36 said that mildly, JT is on Mike like white on rice. I thought he learned his lession a few weeks ago. I hope that fat man goes down this time for good!

  8. Laura D is now the assistant city editor. How did she get that title with her National Enquirer type of journalism?

  9. Grinch will continue to support the Chief until he himself is a victim.Unless he lives in a gated community.....

  10. It is Joe Carmean, is my guess. Those guys have been unbelievably biased against Ireton from the first days of the campaign. This latest example is just nonsense: Webster was "allegedly" out deer hunting? Do your friggin' job and you can say he WAS out deer hunting.

  11. Why do you care, The Salisbury Daily Times won't be here much longer anyway.

  12. Hey is sort of funny JT has posted that this is a bait ....

  13. Anon 11:35 said "Sorry dude, no JC in that dept. Why work on the Sunday Ed's on Thursday?"

    Thursday? The clip from the document properties shows it was a Saturday when the document was created. The date and time on the chat clip is way off.

  14. I have never been on that blog until today and wanted to see what was actually on there and I was untterly disgusted at all the lies that were posted on there about Mike Lewis....it sounds like whoever the creep is that in charge of that blog has nothing to do better with his time than sit on his butt and continue making annonyomous comments....Get a life Grinch and put something worth reading on here....better yet go out and do something to support your community instead of bitching and complaining! At least Joe has posts worth reading!

  15. its one of JT buddies

  16. 2:25 DT will be here long after you are dead and gone!

  17. Why anyone bothers with that mentally disturbed psychopath is beyond me. People you really need to stop feeding the sickness - Forget about him/it/??

  18. No surprise here. That fat man would support Charles Manson if he wasn't in prison. There area group of twisted left wingers that are all a part of this regime. John Robinson, Mike Dunn, Tri Townsend, Susan Ranry, D. See are a few who write for him. See a pattern here. I'll stick to SBYNEWS. At least I know who writes it and it unbias. In your face and for real issues.

  19. got to see what a waffler he is about everything. What ever Joe likes JT dislikes what ever Joe hates JT loves

    He hates the Salvation Army then he likes the Salvation Army Now he hates the Salvation Army

    what we need to see is how many people signed his petition for backing the chief mmmmm seems to be a no show

  20. Beware , the day commeth , it is almost here! Paladin.

  21. 3:40, are you a complete idiot ? the thursday you're seeing is today, showing that is was accessed from the archives TODAY !
    not the initial messages posted, wheich it shows were made on a saturday evening, which would make sense that it was for the sunday edition...


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