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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chris Matthews: Alinsky 'Our Hero'

MSNBC host hails radical community organizerJust five days after affirming on air that he is a liberal, MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes.

Stated Matthews: "Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the '60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don't like and it's never perfect, you have to act in the end like there's simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don't get anything done.

"I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused," Matthews said on his "Hardball" show, speaking to guest Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, on the topic of President Obama's health care plan.

Former 1960s radical and FrontPageMagazine Editor David Horowitz describes Alinsky as the "Communist/Marxist fellow-traveler who helped establish the dual political tactics of confrontation and infiltration that characterized the 1960s and have remained central to all subsequent revolutionary movements in the United States."

Horowitz writes in his 2009 pamphlet, "Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution. The Alinsky Model":

"The strategy of working within the system until you can accumulate enough power to destroy it was what sixties radicals called 'boring from within.'.... Like termites, they set about to eat away at the foundations of the building in expectation that one day they could cause it to collapse."


  1. Does this surprise anyone? Most of the mainstream media are Marxist/socialists and sometimes they just screw up and let their beliefs be made public. There is another,more radical one in the White House.

  2. Chris Matthews is a laughing stock but what's not funny is that these Communists have infiltrated our government. This not a Republican vs. Democrat issue it's Capitalism vs. Communism issue or more accurately a freedom issue . Do we really want to give it up ?

  3. America has elected the enemy. An enemy that tens of thousands of Americans have died defending against over the years. How's that Hopey, Changey, thingy working for you?

  4. My prayer is, the more people with this philosphy reveal themselves, the more We The People will begin to take a stand and become active in our poitical system. We must let those that have died to preserve our Constituiton and freedom, to have died in vain. We owe to all those fallen heroes and souls throughout our history.

  5. All we need to do is elect the . . . Republicans?

    Isn't that how we got into this mess?

    The Republican Party screwed over the Republican Americans. Now the Democrat Party is lying and screwing over the Democratic Americans.

    Both parties are controlled by the same elite globalists!

    They are laughing at us.

  6. This may be true to some extent. That is why democrats, republicans and independents need to look very closely at the grass roots movement that is creating the T.E.A. Party.

    It may become the political vehicle that can be used to bring back the accountablility to the people, and remove the elitists from office.

  7. These peopel are treasonous. When they get thrown out of office, perhaps justice can be surved on them!

  8. Sadly a third party can never win, just split the vote against the dems.

    However supporting the Tea Party Movement and allowing that group to influence the Republican Party would solidly defeat the Democrats. That is what the Dems fear and why the Dems try to discredit the Tea Party movement.


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