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Friday, October 09, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize ???

President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.
Nobel observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline.Skip over this content Skip over this content

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama woke up to the news a little before 6 a.m. EDT. The White House had no immediate comment on the announcement, which took the administration by surprise.

GO HERE for the rest of the story.


What's your opinion on such an achievement?


  1. he was in office 1 month. what did he do? 1 more million of my money. maybe he will pass it out to us...

  2. Even the Nobel people are in the tank for him. Ridiculous sham.

  3. I think it is based on the initiative Obama made at peace negotiation very early in his term. He did jump in at full steam to try to negotiate a treaty in the mid-east, however misguided it seems.

    However, I think it's a bit preemptive when we still don't know the direction the Afghan war is heading and whether he will be increasing the troops and expanding the operations.

    I wonder, though, was this an attempt by the Nobel committee to influence his Afghan decision? Or could it be an effort to further the mid-east peace talks by showing that the "world" stands behind Obama's initial efforts?

  4. I thought it was given on accomplishment not on tone or intention? I guess this backs up an earlier report from this week about his popularity increase around the world. I think it cheapens the meaning of accomplishment for the award. It was either Merideth Veara or Matt Lauer that said he basically won it because he's not Bush, which I thoughtwas odd for a lib to say. I believe a lot of people are scratching their heads over it today.

  5. To early in his term to grant such an honor. His forgein policy does not rank in world class influence.

  6. Sounds like the White House is just as surprised as I am.

  7. It is well deserved. It shows that progress can be made between countries with diplomacy rather than dropping bombs or screaming at the rest of the world. Instead of turning his back on or criticizing other countries, he has become a bridge of communication.

  8. considering that Obama has yet to accomplish a thing(it was awarded for his extraordinary efforts at apologizing for Americas success) this shows how irrelevant the nobel committee and the prize really is. first Jimmy Carter, then Al Gore, now Barack Obama. the next in a long list of winners in the liberal-feel-good-society terrorist appeasing America haters.
    blah blah blah

  9. I give Obama credit for making efforts in this area, but the committee has erred badly by using the prize as a political tool or even allowing it to look that way.

  10. What a joke!! These awards are meaningless now. Let's just give one to everybody!
    He will easily get the award for destroying the US in under a year!

  11. more proof with the anger from the right that you all hate Obama more than you love America. I would think that we would be proud as a country that the international community embraces our president...

  12. Well Gore got one soooo why shouldn't he get one tooooooo!!!!!????????

  13. Joe the deadline for nomination was Feb 1st, 11 days after his inaugaration... what had he accomplished in 11 days??


  14. "We congratulate him for this," said Ahmed Yousef, deputy foreign minister of Hamas


  15. I agree with 10:06 a.m. comment 100 percent...

  16. What a incredible political move for the foreign nations on the eve of sending more troops to Afghanistan.

  17. "More often, the prize is awarded to encourage those who receive it to see the effort through, sometimes at critical moments."


  18. I must really be missing something. Apparently the world sees something in Obama that I don't.

  19. I think it's great. ANy American that gets this kind of recognition is great

  20. All Americans should corcerned. He has taken American Exceptionalism and diminished it to the point that he is being rewarded for it. Our greatness is what has allowed to be a positive infuence around the world. He intends to make us just like every other country. THis is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We were built on pricipals that this guy rejects. We should reject him. Let the rest of the world have him

  21. The prize was given, for amongst other things, his outreach to Muslim nations.

    So next year Bin Laden will get it for his outreach to non-Muslim nations?

  22. 10:10 -
    NOT $ 1 Million.....
    more like $ 1.4 million

  23. Nominations were due February 1st. That means he was in office exactly 12 days before his nomination. I fail to see any quantitative results of peace to date. Obama's win further cheapens the significance of the award.

  24. Congrats...go ahead Mr. President!

  25. a representative of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences thought he heard Obama mumble something about making a movie yesterday, They will be awarding him an Oscar next week.

  26. I am taking up a collection to send Kanye West to Oslo for Obama's Nobel acceptance speech? anybody in?

  27. After 8 years of saying "we" are better than everyone else, Obama changed the tone of world politics by saying we all are in this together, lets fix it together. The bush/chaney scare doctine is now over.

  28. What a bunch of BS!

  29. I think after you understand what the committee was saying then you can understand why he won. Sure there have been people nominated that have endured more pain and suffering than anyone could imagine, but their ultimate goals weren't peace on earth. They were looking to get food and shelter for their families, justice where there is none..... but not on a global scale. The committee is saying that Obama has not only got Americans together to work toward a common goal, but also inspired hundreds of nations across the globe to believe in something more then themselves and self interest. Has he done allot or gotten allot accomplished? My opinion is no, but with that said I know that it takes more then a year or a few years to change a decade of damage.

    So yeah I think he should really get the Nobel Peace Prize!!

  30. I agree with 10:46. Now this prize has lost all credability. what a shame!

  31. The big question here is "for what?" he should be embarrased.

  32. The Nobel peace Prize lost all credibility after Gore was given it .I say given because there has been no accomplishment here they also receive 1.4 million dollars will he share the wealth ? Keep in mind this is just ploy to steer attention away from all the failures up to this point !

  33. He is neither worhty nor deservant of this Nobel Prize. What did he ACTUALLY DO to even be considered?
    What a farce.

  34. Kinda like saying" I want too or my intentions are..... can't we all...." but not really doing anything to do......

    I think Mr. Rachman puts it best:
    Gideon Rachman, a foreign affairs columnist for The Financial Times, wrote an online blog under the headline "What did Obama do to win the Nobel Peace Prize?"

    "I am a genuine admirer of Obama. And I am very pleased that George W. Bush is no longer president. But I doubt that I am alone in wondering whether this award is slightly premature. It is hard to point to a single place where Obama's efforts have actually brought about peace - Gaza, Iran, Sri Lanka?

    "While it is OK to give school children prizes for 'effort' -- my kids get them all the time -- I think international statesmen should probably be held to a higher standard," he wrote.

    This is from a CNN article:

  35. it is utter BS. Obama has a god-like complex and this will make it worse now. In 11 days of office before the deadline he did nothing that could have deserved the award. Now the Nobel Peace Award means crap. They should give it to Hitler while they are at it.

  36. Geezus, the enemy isn't at the gate, it's in my house.

  37. Some of you Bible thumping Obama haterz said Obama is the anti-christ. He is now officially the prince of peace.

  38. Must be the Norwegian's joke of the century.

  39. OUR HERO! Yeah, what a frekin joke...

  40. Is today April Fools Day?

  41. Well, I guess I qualify for it now. But if it's that easily won, is it really a "prize" anymore?

    I think I'll decline the application and stick with my "World's Greatest Dad" certificate I received from my elementary school daughter. THAT award holds more value than any other degree, certificate, license, or award on my wall.

    In fact, it is displayed above all the others.

    If won, I would toss the Nobel in file thirteen.

  42. He is the friggin ANTICHRIST!!!

  43. I think I'm gonna throw up now!!!

  44. Let’s take a look at the president’s first 12 days in the White House according to his public schedule to see what he did to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize:

    January 20: Sworn in as president. Went to a parade. Partied.

    January 21: Asked bureaucrats to re-write guidelines for information requests. Held an “open house” party at the White House.

    January 22: Signed Executive Orders: Executive Branch workers to take ethics pledge; re-affirmed Army Field Manual techniques for interrogations; expressed desire to close Gitmo (how’s that working out?)

    January 23: Ordered the release of federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries. Lunch with Joe Biden; met with Tim Geithner.

    January 24: Budget meeting with economic team.

    January 25: Skipped church.

    January 26: Gave speech about jobs and energy. Met with Hillary Clinton. Attended Geithner's swearing in ceremony.

    January 27: Met with Republicans. Spoke at a clock tower in Ohio.

    January 28: Economic meetings in the morning, met with Defense secretary in the afternoon.

    January 29: Signed Ledbetter Bill overturning Supreme Court decision on lawsuits over wages. Party in the State Room. Met with Biden.

    January 30: Met economic advisers. Gave speech on Middle Class Working Families Task Force. Met with senior enlisted military officials.

    January 31: Took the day off.

    February 1: Skipped church. Threw a Super Bowl party.

    So there you have it. The short path to the Nobel Peace Prize: Party, go to meetings, skip church, release federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries, party some more.

  45. The prize is awarded to the person that views everything from the wrong end of a municipal sewer pipe.

  46. This seems too much like the Committee chose to "Leave No Obama Behind", dumbing down the process and rewarding those who would never otherwise be recognized.
    Who else was being considered, anyway?

  47. I'm proud of the President & proud of this great nation. Our President has won the most prestigious award on the planet. This is all good, you folks here are just pissing on your own corn flakes.

  48. Anonymous said...

    more proof with the anger from the right that you all hate Obama more than you love America. I would think that we would be proud as a country that the international community embraces our president...

    10:30 AM

    I will never be proud of America any longer because of people like you, the idiots that put this fraud in office. Is Obama proud of America? Is Michelle proud of Obama? No, they admitted it so why should any decent American be proud of America. Here's your Kool Aide

  49. I think that he deserves it!! Go Obama!! People don't hate, congratulate!!!!!!

  50. When did they move Stockholm to Norway?

  51. I think people are underestmating the power of the Presidency. President Obamas commitment to diplomacy over warfare, being a stark reversal from the previous administration sends a powerful message to the world. You may not agree with it, but the message is a clear and not understated one. With this award being unanimous, it is hard to justify people saying the things they are saying here. Of course, lots of things said here are hard to justify

  52. I wonder how much he paid of the stimulas money to get this crap!

  53. If you believe that sort of thing, then the Prophecies state that the Anti-Christ would be a prophet of peace. You don't have to be a Bible-Thumper to know that. In regards to giving him the Nobel Peace Prize....WTF!!!! He has no accomplishments under his belt other than to completely polarize this country. This is a man who has openly stated that our Constitution needs to be re-interpreted and re-written. The Nobel Prize Committee and the rest of this country have completely lost their minds. President Reagan never won the Prize and he helped bring an end to the Cold War. He even got Germany unified. Obama hasn't unified a thing and started off his Presidency by apologizing to the Nations that harbour the terrorists. And they laughed at him! Which means they laughed at the U.S. What a disgrace to all the former winners that actually were worthy and to all those who were snubbed once again. It's a shame that the Dalai Lama has yet to win the Prize and he is much more deserving.

  54. Roflmao Bryan....I can hear Kanye now.
    "Well,Beyonce should have gotten this sh*t,after all she got robbed at VMA"!LOL
    I think its outrageous that he got this honor.What for? Plunging our country into debt that my unborn future great grandkids will still be paying off?For bending over backwards for Muslims and other non-Christian factions?For rewarding lazy people with even more benefits at taxpayers expense?What exactly has he done?

  55. I am ashamed to be a Norwegian.

  56. It should be renamed the Nobel Pieces Awards because that is where the U.S. is headed, in pieces. Part to Mexico and the rest to China.

  57. Outrageous!

    Hillary should have won.

  58. I read somewhere that Homer Simpson was a close second to Obama! Dohl!!

  59. shows how dumb so so called smart people are. obama is an empty suit. obviously the people that awarded it are also empty suits. thanks sjd

  60. I started seeing what a "peace prize" was when Albert Gore got his, but this really drives home the irrelevance of it. What a joke! It's about as credible as the last Miss America fiasco where the flamer was a judge. Obviously, his idea of beauty does not line up with the masses, but he was a judge. How did that happen? The same way this did. It's all a joke and a hoax concocted by the elite who think we are all idiots.

  61. Ahh!!! Wingnuts are upset about the President winning the Nobel Prize.
    Who was the last Republican to win the Nobel Peace Prize?
    Maybe he won it because he restored America's image in the eyes of the world?
    Maybe because he is ending the meaningless war in Iraq?

    Eat it you stupid wingnuts.

  62. Last Repbulican to win???? My guess is Henry Kissinger

  63. Obama is looking more like Jimmy Carter every day! It just took JC 20 years for those Nobel award turds to give it the award to him. History is going to rate JC and BO the same when it's all over....failed presidencies. Nobel didn't change the history for JC (still a failure in everyone's mind), and Nobel won't change it for BO. History is repeating itself. Carter won the presidency when America wrongly voted against Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon. And America got it wrong when they voted against a president (G. Bush) who wasn't even running for the office! The result was, and is going to be, a failed presidency. Lordy, Lordy, I can't wait for this one to be over.

  64. Why are all you nutballs blaming Obama? He had nothing to do with being nominated or winning. Even Pat Buchanon pointed this out.

  65. Of course now the republicans will try to say that the Nobel Prize means nothing.
    It's only the most prestigious achievement in the world. Not good enough for the right.
    Stop hating.
    That's another nail in your gun loving bible thumping coffin.

  66. Congratulations!!!
    Maybe you people should be happy for a fellow American winning this award. Oh wait, he is no American. He is a muslim. He is the antichrist. He is a hypocrite. Oh and best for the last - he is black!!! How could the Nobel committee award it to the black guy.

    I love this!!! You people would rather listen to alcohol abusing Glen Beck or pill popping Rush Limbaugh instead of Harvard Educated Nobel Prize winner. Keep it up!

  67. Someone said that the Dalai Lama was more deserving. It is ok to rant that Obama doesn't deserve it but at least check past winners. The Dalai Lama won it it 1989.

  68. The biggest BS artist that ever walked the face of the earth!

  69. Proud Democrat
    Can you please tell me what he did in those 11-12 days that makes you think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize?

  70. 2:31,

    People don't think you are an idiot. They know it after reading your homophobic rant.

  71. 12:31,

    The Dalai Lama did win in 1989! Seriously, a little research before posting would go a long way. I know you can do it because to post you have to be connected to the internet, which if you didn't know is a series of tubes.

  72. 12:31,

    He is not the one polarizing this country. Beck and his minions and you with your posts are what is polarizing this country. For you to believe that it is his fault just shows how far your head is up there, you should pull it out!

  73. Yes the Nobel committee are just a bunch of turds. Since 1901, they have been awarding this, but giving it to our President makes them turds. well spoken. With literary genius like that, I am sure you are a shoe in to win next year.

  74. 4:08,
    Please, enough with the emotional and senseless rant would you.
    No one with an ounce of intelligence beleives Obama deserves this, or should even accept it. The question is: why did they really do it? It ain't because they love America all of a sudden...

  75. No wonder some of you don't get why he won the Nobel Peace Prize today...

    ...It's because you don't even want/strive for what he was recognized for:

    "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

    It's simply NOT ABOUT WHAT HE ALREADY HAS (NOT) ACCOMPLISHED. Its about what he represents: HOPE (that we can all just get along).

    Audacious, that Hope.

    Because people like you work every day to tear everyone apart. Us vs. Them. Libtards vs. Rethuglicans. Christians vs. Muslims. Real America vs. Fake America.

    Its why you cheered when the USA didn't get to host the WORLD OLYMPICS, and why you are SO ANGRY that our President won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. Pretty ironic that a man being awarded a peace prize gets others so riled up.

    Shame on you. If you're against this award, you have placed yourself on the same side of: Hamas, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban.


  76. He hasn't done anything yet.

  77. 5:13

    Glad you liked it. Appears you can only read one word at at time. Perhaps you'll learn to read whole sentences next year.

  78. I like Obama and I'm rooting for him but this was just crazy.

  79. Congrats to the President.
    I am proud to be an American today.
    Thank god for Obama. We're finally restoring our image around the world.
    No matter how much you may not like the President you have to agree that this is good for America.

  80. No doubt this blogspot has been infiltrated by the white house "blog squad". Who else (besides the totally ignorant) could defend this award for nothing?

  81. I don't care how many awards, prizes,do good letters or atta boys Obama gets and puts on his "Love Me" wall at home. What I do care about is his persistent efforts to destroy the country our founding fathers created for us, that Americans have defended and died for since 1775, that has provided more opportunities to more people in this world than any other country in history. What made this country so great was the fact that if you work hard enough, long enough, you have a good chance of realizing your dream. What Obama and his "be like the rest of the world" crowd would like everyone to be on the same level as everyone else (except for them of course) Take from those that have and give to those that have less. That kills incentive to succeed. Why work if the Government is going to take it away from you? When everyone stops working, than what are you going to do? The only money Government has is what it gets from you. For those of you who think Mr. Obama's plan for this country is going to be your utopia,investigate the other countries that have the same system. The reason so many people are upset is because they do not want their culture destroyed just as any other culture would resist the destruction of their culture.
    We hear enough in this country about the culture of others, so why is our own so bad all of the sudden? For those who persist that all the trouble is because of gun loving bible thumpers; in what context do you put AK47 lovers and Koran thumpers? It is a big world, if you like the European style of government, than move there,If you like the way the Taliban do things, than move there. For those of you who want to change everything and make it the way you want it to be, you must realize that you are going to experience resistance to your efforts. In the end Americans will not stand for it and will again, be willing to lay down their lives for freedom and liberty.Nothing is more precious to man than freedom, especially to those who have tasted it.

  82. It must be April Fools Day!

  83. Who cares what the rest of the world thinks about us?? We have enough problems here at home that aren't being taken care of. No way Obama deserved this - hell, he didn't even think he deserved it! What a crock !!

  84. Just look at prior recipients-
    Gore & Carter and the ignoring of Reagan and Thatcher.
    Reagan brought down Berlin Wall and Russia. Need I say more?

    The Nobel Prize committee is as useless as the UN. x

  85. makes no difference whether you like or dislike hussein obama, the swedes give out all the other nobel prizes and the norwegiens give out the peace prize, they ought to just let the swede give out the peace prize to, I am sure they would do a better job than the norwegiens have done,
    ie, al hore!.
    And as far as the rest of the world. PAHLEEZE, name one other western or eastern country where a black man has been elected to more than a local level. If the world loves him so much let them have him, I'm sure we can find another token, we have enough of them!

  86. 9:54,

    I am going to take wild guess that you are an old timer. And if I am correct, you most likely get social security and probably medicare. So you have been taking my money since I started working. But now all of a sudden this man is trying to destroy our country. You give me my money back if you hate this system so much and then we'll talk.

  87. Thanks Mark. well said.

  88. This Presidency has become a joke !

  89. Explain to me or show me how we are now following the Talibans form of governing, please.

  90. Mark you are very misguided and being led like a sheep by corporate thugs. America is a great country, no doubt, but the American dream is no longer attainable for the masses because the "capitalist" system has been infiltrated and corrupted by greedy corporations. You do realize that 1% of Americans control 95% of the entire wealth of this country and that the masses are being brainwashed into thinking that if those 1% get richer then they will reward the rest. The typical argument is that those rich folks create jobs so don't tax them too much. Example of the CEO who gets canned and gets 50 million in severance package... how is he creating jobs? In the 1950's things were good for the middle class. An honest working family could support themselves and have a house, go on vacation, and enjoy a quality of life. And the tax rate on the rich was close to 90%! We built roads and schools and did research with that money. Now, hard working Americans struggle for the basics and require 2 or 3 incomes to have a home, buy groceries, have a car, provide an education for their kids. Why is this? You scream and shout about how your hard earned money is being given to those who don't deserve it (I can read through your code words by the way.) Well, this is America, and we are Americans. You can keep chasing after that carrot the rich dangle in front of you...if I work hard enough than I will be rich like them. Trust me Mark, for 99% of Americans, they will never be allowed to prosper like that -- no matter what. So scream socialism all you want when the President wants to increase the tax rate by a marginal amount so that we can try to allow the middle class to have a quality of life -- that's just what the elite want you to do...

  91. There's an 800 pound gorilla ruining every facet of our lives and culture and the do-gooder liberals keep pretending it's not there.

  92. President Bush spent more time and money to fight Aids and Famine in Africa than any other world leader in history. So where's his award?
    Even Bono from U2 announces this at every concert.
    The hypocrisy is astounding.

  93. Although you are correct in saying those things about PResident Bush, I doubt the Nobel committee is going to awar a peace prize to somone involved in 2 wars.

  94. IMO, in "giving" Hussein the Nobel Peace Prize the Prize just lost all its prestige. It's something one would no longer want to put on a resume for the simple fact that it means nothing. They may as well start puting it in a box of Cracker Jacks.

  95. Congratulations to President Obama!!!


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