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Friday, October 09, 2009

Burnin’ Down the House – At the WCBOE

This is an update to this morning's story regarding the misstatements of Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE)  President Mark Thompson.

Tracy Sahler WCBOE “Public Information Liaison” Tracy Sahler is back in her office today, but she’s hiding the facts from the public.  Sahler refuses to answer two simple questions:


  1. Where does the money which is given by schools to the Reading Forever Fund come from?
  2. If the WCBOE (or an individual school) did not order the books in question, who did?

What is the response from Sahler?  Initially she attempted to dodge the question by telling me about “the process” that the WCBOE is going through to find out how this happened in the first place.  Next I was told that these questions would (might?) be answered AFTER the “process” is completed.

These questions have nothing to do with “the process”.  They are questions of fact.  WHERE did certain monies come from?  WHO ordered the books?  Thompson sure didn’t have any problem spouting off when he thought that he wouldn’t be challenged.

Is there any wonder why the WCBOE refuses to allow its meetings to be televised on PAC-14?  If taxpayers started to find out what actually went on at the corner of Mt. Hermon Road and Long Ave. (the WCBOE offices), there would be a taxpayer revolt that would make the revenue cap battle look like a church social.



  1. I would not even talk to you if I were her. Its a no win solution. Books are off the shelf. And they will be reviewieng books much stonger now. END OF STORY.
    No one was hurt or emotionally scared. Get over it.

  2. G.A. this is symptomatic of our society when no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. Blame someone else, pass the buck, whatever you want to call it, this is a typical attempt to spin something into the least painful light so those involved will not suffer ANY type of consequence at all.

    Hell, if they had just say "yeah, we ordered such and such based on a recommended reading list but we sure did not know this book entailed (no pun intended) all it did. We apologize and will take measures to make sure it doesn't happen again" - DONE. story over but noooooooooo let's hide behind symmatics and the definition of "is" and all that other crap that we have denegrated into. Damn, get real BOE. We are all adults here (well, most of us, anyway).

    sign me: angry taxpayer

  3. Sorry to correct you, G.A., but the "process" is everything. It's the ass-saving cloaked research into every question asked of the WCBOE, followed by either almost clever wordsmithing or silence, the former usually concocted to apppease the uninformed with platitudes and distraction/deflection,
    the latter just hunkering down to see if it goes away, which is usually a silent admission of guilt or complicity.

  4. I guess the BOE people were hired because of their ability to speak in BS terms just like Obama. They really don't have a clue. If they had to work for a living and make decisions , they would starve!

  5. Their silence advocates child molestation !

  6. All PIOs, the two at the WCBOE, and the guy in Rick Pollitts office should be let go. The county could realize over two hundred thousand dollars in savings. Let the WCBOE members and Mr Pollitt speak for themselves.

  7. Mr. Thompson likes to hear himself talk.

  8. Normally I would say, "let it die", however, please don't let it die this time. The arrogance of the administration of the BOE is disgusting and they need to be more forth coming with the truths not only about this book but the financial truth also. I am sick and tired of hearing.... it's about the children. From this episode, we know that is false. It is mostly about the employees of the BOE. It is time for the administration to step up and apologize to this community for their blatant arrogance concerning the financial crisis this county is in. They are a huge part of the problem and they need to be willing to be part of the solution. Until they are then continue to keep the heat up.

  9. Do you mean to say that in this many days no one at the Board has simply asked the librarian who chose the book? Is this that complicated? Chances are the librarian at Pittsville was given an amount of money to spend on Reading Forever books, and he/she chose the book along with lots of others. No complexity here.
    Ask the reading supervisor Dr. Johnston or the media supervisor Dr. Mitchell where the money for the Reading Forever Fund came from. Or ask the comptroller Bruce Ford. The only reason not to have them answer is that someone is concocting one of the Bd.'s famous CYA stories and doesn't want employees giving conflicting stories.
    Doesn't the superintendent have sense enough to know that when two simple questions can't be answered without a long wait and bureaucratic buck passing the public gets even more suspicious? Just tell the truth and elaborate "only one person can speak" arrangements would not be needed. So infantile.

  10. GA...

    You already answered question #1 previously...the .10 comes out of each school's accounts...possibly tax money or more realistically through fundraising, etc.

    #2 You need to look at the school for the initial blame. The principal has to approve all POs first. They then go through a chain at the BOE...Director, finance, purchasing, etc. It starts at the Principal.

    You need to see when teh book was ordered and go from there. Pittsville has changed administration over the past year.

  11. That woman should be terminated, along with her position and that of Fineran (Pollitt's mouthpiece).

  12. 12:23 Sounds like Mr Thompson himself. Once again, always spouting off hoping no one challenges him, but really becomes offended and defensive when he is challenged. Dealt with him before. Loose cannon. Superintendant should put a muzzle on him before WCBOE loses any more credibility. Enough damage already by that nut.

  13. All honesty....I think there are bigger things to worry about. But thats my opinion.

  14. does the board of ed. really need a public information officer?...couldnt that be delegated to someone else that doesnt really have alot to do around there?

  15. 3:06,
    Not when over half, maybe 3/4 of my tax money goes there. Education should be back at 25%, and get it done around that number.

  16. It is very sad that our WCBOE is and has been involved in wasting their money that was given to their budget request. It is a known fact that they throw money away. There should be a complete audit for the last 5 years of what the money went to. How much that could of been saved are redirected to our kids education. Most of us have friends that work for the WCBOE and have been told theses such stories. How about when they bought new fire doors for each class room at the old N Salisbury Elementary School. Unfortunately they were never used and ended up on the land fill.I was told they cost the tax's payers of this county over $400 each. There has been so much out of control spending by our local government that it is time for us to say this is enough. Our government is using tactics to get everyone scared. We need to tell the leadership of the City and the County stop wasting our money. It is time for an independent accounting audit of both the City Of Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  17. 2 words

    can't afford it, then get more involved in your own child's education. what is going on over at WCBOE is milk the taxpayer for as much as possible. go along to get along!
    hire your friends, relatives and if you know what's good for you, you'll shut up about it all.
    damn the students, damn the parents, and damn the public!
    lesbians disparaging young women.
    teachers who don't show up for class, teachers who don't want to teach. just put in the time and go home. yeah there are some good teachers but unfortunately they are a very small minority!
    conway double dipping?
    want me to go on?


  19. I thought you weren't posting comments that were in all caps. I guess that's only if you disagree.

    Let me say in the interest of disclosure that I'm a teacher in Wicomico Co.
    The media specialists who serve our schools do so much work above and beyond maintaining a collection of books. I have no doubt that they do their best and want nothing but the best for the children that they serve. It is ludicrous to suggest that this book was placed in the library purposely to corrupt kids. This book has a comic book-like cover but is 192 pages long. I can understand how a handful of inappropriate panels could slip by anything but a detailed page-by-page review. These types of books are on sale in several stores throughout the county RIGHT NOW, and I guarantee that many parents have purchased them based on their cover without realizing the controversial content that may be within. I also understand how Dr. Frederickson could be blindsided at a council meeting and not be able to speak knowledgeably about the book selection process or the process for reviewing objectionable books. I think it's completely reasonable to say, "I'll certainly find out and have to get back to you" without getting crucified and accused of a cover-up.
    I have seen the panels and I personally agree that the book is inappropriate for children, but I also believe that an appropriate process is ALREADY in place to deal with issues like this. Just because you all aren't sitting in the room when it happens doesn't mean it's not happening.

  20. The BOE has an independent audit every year. It has also had federal, MSDE and legislative audits.

  21. You're bringing Norm Conway into this now, Anon 7:05?

  22. Dear 9:53 anon,
    let's see, norm draws a salary as a state legislator which i am pretty sure will also entitle him to a pension, and also draws a salary from the WCBOE which i am sure also will provide another pension, so let me ask you this, who's money is paying for those salaries and pensions?
    and by the way who's paying for your pension?
    you for sure, are not paying for mine!
    you must be a just another parasite living off the rest of us!

  23. A mistake was made. An apology was made. It happens. Let it go. No one was killed. No one was hurt. This event doesn't deserve the magnifying glass that is over it.

    School staffers are overworked and underpaid. There is no conspiracy to drop these inappropriate books into the hands of our children. Want to make sure all books are screened before they hit the shelves? Go volunteer at a local school and do it yourself.

  24. (In the interest of disclosure: I teach in a private school.)

    Most comments in this thread speak to longtime discontent with the Board of Education.

    But, Pittsville school is a good place. It used to be a much better place.

    The debate is so caught-up in county leadership. But, it is worth asking serious questions about Pittsville School's leadership.

  25. And what about those Parkside Football coaches. They need to be fired also. Parkside hasn't won a game all year and last night Parkside football loss 76-0.

  26. 6:28: Thanks for highlighting an issue with a clear cause and even clearer solution. Let's put the strength of this blog on PHS football! It's time for a change!

  27. I am a Media Specialist in another county and we have a policy when parents or other figures challenge books. Obviously, this book should not have been on the shelves. Often, when ordering books, you are given a brief description in a print or on-line catalog. Unless you are "previewing" the books - whereby you actually have the books in hand to look at and send back - you don't have anyway of knowing what is on every page. I'm sure the person that ordered the book had no intention of placing something disturbing in the hands of children. These graphic novels are very popular books right now and there are a lot of great ones out there. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of the best. The books are off the shelf - that's what is important.

  28. Pittsville Elementary and Middle School will NEVER be the same after Mrs. Dunn left. She was the tower of strength and epitome of integrity for so many years and led that school to be one of the best in the area with parent involvement. Mrs. Dunn CARED about every child and worked to ensure all had the best she could provide them.

  29. come on folks the National Geographics I read as a child had more porn in them. Get a darn grip folks.

  30. 10:45...

    You are an idiot. Mr. Conway retired from the BOE a couple of years ago. He is not drawing any salary from the BOE. He is entitled to his retirement through the state like everyone else. Anything he makes as a legislator is irrelevant.

  31. Tidewater Bound is entitled to his/her opinion. It is not the majority one, however.

  32. Stop all ready. It's not like they lied to the state about test scores. You act like they lied about where kids went to school so they could move the kids test scores from their real school to a failing school. What kind of a cheating, dishonest bd would do something like that? GA do you have a mailing address?

  33. 10:56
    Joe is busy and I was going to send you info related to the 4:10 post like which county and which schools involved but wasn't sure if you would be interested.

  34. If you can email it, send it to:


    Sorry, I thought you were asking for my street address. If you need that, simply email me.

    Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.


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