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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


All of the following information is available on the internet for anyone that cares to look. We have a president that very few people know anything about.

Obama's early mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the American communist party, who left Chicago to go to Hawaii in 1948. While still in Chicago, he worked with Vernon Jarrett, a young journalist, who became the father in law of Senior White House advisor Valerie Jarrett. Vernon Jarrett was closely tied to Harold Washington, one time Mayor of Chicago. Washington defeated the Daley machine with the support of Chicago's communist party and the local branch of Democratic Socialist of America. (DSA) Paul Buhle now heads DSA, he also serves on the board of Movement for a Democratic Society, (MDS) with former Weather underground terrorist, Bill Ayers.

Obama admits he was inspired to first move to Chicago in 198 by the election of Mayor Harold Washington. Enter Valerie Jarrett who worked for Harold Washington as Deputy Corporation Counsel for Finance and Development. Jarrett was Deputy Chief of Staff in 1991 when she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Barack Obama. The three have been tied together ever since. Valerie Jarrett's mother, Barbara Taylor Bowman was a co-founder of the Erikson Institute. Erickson's board of trustees included Thomas G. Ayers, father of Bill Ayers.

While none of this is proof that anyone, other than Davis, is a Marxist and no one other than Bill Ayers is a terrorist, it does bring into question some more of the associations. Questions that the main stream media wont ask or if they know, wont tell.



  1. They can not give you any new answers if your assumptions already tell the truth!

  2. I forgot another strange link. Treasury seccretary, Tim Geitnen's father, Peter was linked to Ann Dunham, Obama's mother when both served on an Indonesian panel of the Ford Foundation. I can't put any meaning to that, other than it all smells of incest.

  3. Why do you post that Obama was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis? Because conservative firebrand Cliff Kincaid said so? "Dreams From My Father" belies that claim.

    Although Obama's book indicates "Frank" was a family friend who offered him advice on racial issues, Obama wrote that Davis "fell short" and his views were "incurable." Obama did not even visit Davis for three years before going to college. Obama's book, itself, proves that Obama did not consider Davis to be a "wise and trusted counselor," which is the definition of "mentor." By what creative definition can Davis be considered his "mentor"?

    By exaggerating evidence that Davis advised Obama, yet ignoring evidence from the same source that Obama did NOT Frank to be a wise and trusted advisor, those who claim Davis was Obama's "mentor" are as dishonest as ex-D.A. Mike Nifong. The "Nifong Syndrome" is the stacking of evidence by ignoring evidence that does not fit one's agenda. By portraying Davis as Obama's mentor, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, Cliff Kincaid and others have proven void of journalistic integrity. They are unreliable sources of information on the Davis-Obama relationship.

  4. Kaleokualoha, You seem to be literate. If you are not being paid by the White House and are seeking truth, do a Google search for Frank Marshall Davis and Obama. You will find information from many reputable sources describing the relationship of the two.

  5. There is a wide assortment of rumors, speculation, and disinformation throughout the blogosphere concerning the Davis-Obama relationship, but no PRIMARY SOURCE evidence that supports the mentorship meme. What "reputable sources" are you referring to?

    As a retired Air Force Intelligence Officer with specific training in Deception Analysis by the C.I.A. in 1989, I am researching political disinformation. I am familiar with disinformation campaigns, including Pope Gregory's misrepresentation of Mary Magdalene, Russian and German misrepresentation of Judaism, Operation Fortitude protecting the D-Day invasion, Operation Left Hook protecting the coalition drive into Kuwait, and the misrepresentation of the Iraqi threat this century.

    This disinformation fits the pattern epitomized by "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," where a target is smeared through deliberate misrepresentation. Relying on unsubstantiated claims of mentorship to implicate Obama makes no more sense than relying on Curveball's unsubstantiated claims of mobile weapons labs to implicate Iraq.

    If intellectual engagement and sincere substantive discussions are the goals of your blog, I welcome the opportunity to pursue the truth through cordial debate with you and your readers. If, on the other hand, your blog is designed to squelch dissent through ad hominem attacks and moderator censorship, then I understand your familiar position. Thanks!

  6. Kaleokualoha - thank you!!!! I hope you chime in on this blog more often. Then we actually may achieve some balance here.

  7. It is indeed regrettable that so many honest people have been hoodwinked by a skillful disinformation campaign led by Kincaid's ironically named "Accuracy In Media" (AIM). Fraudulent memes, unwittingly propagated by well-intentioned bloggers, have spread throughout the blogosphere, which proves the effectiveness of viral disinformation campaigns. Even the title of Kincaid's initial attack, "Obama's Communist Mentor," is itself a masterful deception. Through the "fallacy of equivocation," it implies three enduring falsehoods:

    - That Davis was an avowed or known communist who advocated collectivist principles. The evidence, however, indicates that Davis was a closet communist who never advocated communism.

    - That Davis had a continuing mentorship with teenage Obama, "almost like a son." The evidence, however indicates that Davis was an occasionally visited family friend whom Obama did not even see for three years before college.

    - That Davis taught communism to young Obama. The evidence, however, indicates that although Davis offered advice on racial issues, Obama did not even trust that advice.

    (The "fallacy of equivocation" is the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense, by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time. It occurs when an equivocal word or phrase makes an unsound argument appear sound.)

    Through innuendo, half-truths and outright fabrication, Obama’s opponents have deliberately misrepresented a casual family friendship as sordid political indoctrination sessions or worse. In their fervor to malign Obama, they sought to transform the legacy of a relatively obscure leftist poet into a “Stalinist agent” who corrupted Obama’s values. Slander and libel were their tools of the trade, because truth was no obstacle. Destroying Davis’s reputation was collateral damage. Cliff Kincaid may rationalize his deceit as a Leo Straussian "noble lie," but in reality it is a dishonorable attack upon our political system.

    "Truth is generally the best vindication against slander."
    - Abraham Lincoln


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