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Saturday, September 26, 2009

U.S. Demands ‘Unfettered Access’ To Nuke Plant

‘Transparency package’ will cover sites, computers, scientists

- The U.S. and its five partners trying to stop Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program plan to tell Tehran in a key meeting on Thursday that it must provide "unfettered access" to its previously secret Qom enrichment facility within weeks, a senior administration official said.

The U.S., Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia also will present in the Oct. 1 meeting in Geneva a so-called transparency package covering all of Iran's nuclear activities across the country, the official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss plans that are not yet ready to be announced.

The six countries will demand that Iran prove to the increasingly skeptical group that its intentions with its various sites are peaceful and energy-related, as Iran claims, and not for weapons development, as the West believes, the official said Saturday.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Beware of false phone calls asking for your social securtiy nymbers. most pose as insurance companies, or even credit card companies. this has been happening alot in Wicomico lately. Do not give out any parts of your social security number, credit card number(s) or personal information.

  2. Iran will be the country that releases weapons of mass destruction.

  3. What happened to Obama having an unconditional chat with Akmadenazad?

    Okay libs, you were mad at Bush for taking on these rogue nations, and now you've elected milquetoast.

    When will you pansyassed libs ever learn? Iran is hell bent on starting WW3 and you helped it along by putting this disconnected idiot in the whitehouse!

  4. How disconnected? In just the last week he has gotten the Russians and the Chinese to join us in calling for inspections and sanctions.


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