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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Remind You Of Anyone?

The Art of David Dees


  1. It would be more believeable if SFD had been on the big toy with wheels instead of standing on the ground while blowing away money.

  2. LOL, reminds me of Gordo and Hoppes, but those guys in the pic are to skinny and they are real firefighters.

    Art of David Dees, how ironic. Looks a lot like it might read David See at first glance.

  3. Yes we know who this reminds of us, great picture as well.

    Does everyone one in the city and county know that the 3 new ladder trucks and 2 new fire engines were ordered and purchased without going out on bid first? Has this been made public yet? Does the tax paying citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County realize they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars more for 5 new fire trucks because they were bought without any competition from other dealers?

    And to think the current acting fire chief wants to be appointed as the permanent fire chief. If this happens Mayor Ireton will be putting a nail in the coffin of his political career. Mayor Ireton you need to do the right thing and demote Richard A. Hoppes as soon as possible before it is to late.

  4. Yeh ,Salisbury Fire Dept. and or
    Obama progress report.

  5. Anonymous said...

    It would be more believeable if SFD had been on the big toy with wheels instead of standing on the ground while blowing away money.

    8:08 AM

    Look at the picture again, upper right hand corner. Do you see the big toy on wheels? The $1.2 Million ladder truck blowing the money out of the nozzel on the bucket?

  6. Looks like Comegys' playmates to me.

  7. 10:11

    It cuts into the kick backs if you use competitive bidding. Does anyone have the guts to call for a referendum to audit ALL expenditures for the past 2 or 3 years? Heck, Ron Paul might even get the chance to audit the Fed. Res. Looks like it's time there was some accountability at the local level.

  8. The Firemen should be Hosing down the Whitehouse. Especially the "Date Night' expenses.


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